››  ›  | Hip Disk Images› || | |› | by Elvis› Presents ->› (c)22.8.1998›››› COMPILED at 21.-22.8.1998 by›› Elvis of Atariklub AK LsD Prievidza.››› The files in this disk are *.HIP fi-› les. You may see them by MGV13.COM›file or other HIP compatible wievers.›› Likewise the HIPs on this disk are›freeware. If you can, you will use›them in your own make programs or de-›mos.›››› See ya !!!››› -ElviS-››››Thanx and greetz are flying to:›› - all I-net surfers and friends›› - all people on super Atari CodeCopy› Party 1998 in Prievidza (Slovakia)› named:›› - Ls.D. - Pedro› - Miro Kropacek - Jan Badora› - Agh Alex - M.Michalech› - M.Orsag - S.Tomasik› - Fox Mulder - Karol Meciar› - Dufi - Oto Szerdi› - Zdenek Burian - Raster› - Bob - Vasco› - -Xi- - Wawrzyn› - Piorun - Pigola› - P0l - Mike› - Ellvis - Marco› - Stalmo - Samo› - X-Storm - Pavol Bunta› - Jan Badora - Stefan Tomasik› - Ondrej Kocian - Jan Dudor› - Martin Risko - I.Krajcoviech› - Lubo Mitanek››› ... and all forgotten ...›› My mail:›› elvismail@pobox.sk›› (p)22.8.1998 Prievidza›