ASC 2017... - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    Hello folks,
    there will be another Abbuc Software Contest in 2017, the official (english) rules can be found here:


    If you have questions or if something is unclear, please contact the head of the software ressort!
    Quoting the head of the Abbuc Software Ressort:

    "The online submission (and later voting) system for the Abbuc Software Contest is now online:


    There is an English version as well (rightmost menu entry).

    Please use this system rather than submitting your entries via e-mail as you will be able to update your contribution until the end of the deadline all by yourself!

    Any questions or problems? Just send me an e-mail at software (ät) abbuc dot de

    Have fun!
