Lepix i Lepicon - Forum Atarum

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    • 1:
    • CommentTime9 May 2008
    Chcialbym zapytac, czy ktos juz probowal cos tymi programami zrobic i moglby sie podzielic efektami?

    Zanim zaczne bawic sie Lepixem (program dla Atari) to chcialbym poprobowac konwersji Lepiconem (program MS-DOS), ale nie wiem, jak toto odpalic pod Windowsem XP. Wszelka pomoc mile widziana.
    • 2:
    • CommentTime5 Aug 2008
    Lepicon u mnie działa (acz nie bawiłem się nim zbyt dużo)

    Wywołany z lini poleceń daje:

    C:\Documents and Settings\y\Pulpit>lepicon.exe -h
    lepicon v.0.2 (c) 2005 eru/tqa
    Usage: lepicon.exe [options] <file.bmp>
    file.bmp needs to be 320x200, 256 shades of gray BMP file
    optionally, you can use 64000b gray file with -g switch
    -g assume file is GRAY (no BMP header)
    -s be silent
    -h help
    -m <mod> choose a module, availabe modules:
    hr0 - 320x200, 4 shades of gray (by Vidol) [current]
    hr1 - 320x200, 4/8 shades of gray
    hr2 - 320x200, 5 shades of gray
    HR0 options:
    -a <mode> color borders:
    0 - fixed
    1 - choose by color values
    2 - choose by color frequencies
    -c <#color> <hex value> - set atari colour
    -d <mode> use dithering:
    0 - no dithering
    1 - 'chessboard' dithering
    -S generate .sc0 and .sc1

    C:\Documents and Settings\y\Pulpit>lepicon 1.bmp
    lepicon v.0.2 (c) 2005 eru/tqa
    Read 200 lines
    hr0: Converting 1.bmp without dithering
    Using color borders: 20 40 60 80 a0 c0 100
    Writing 1.xex
    Atari colors used: 04 06 00 00
    • 3:
    • CommentTime8 Aug 2008
    Szkoda, ze to nie ma jakiegos shella.
    • 4:
    • CommentTime6 Apr 2012
    Tebe, czy te tryby:

    hr0 - 320x200, 4 shades of gray (by Vidol) [current]
    hr1 - 320x200, 4/8 shades of gray
    hr2 - 320x200, 5 shades of gray

    mozna by wrzucic do AIS?
    • 5: CommentAuthortebe
    • CommentTime7 Apr 2012
    AIS nie obsługuje trybów HiRes, wszystkie tryby muszą mieć piksel o wielokrotności liczby 2

    downloaded and tried "Lepicon 0.2" yesterday, alas it did not work. First I tested it (just for fun) under WIN XP command-line, it gave me an error-window that this is a 16Bit app and it makes some illegal calls to memory. So I copied it to my MS-DOS 6.22 based PC and started it there, but whenever I did, the PC did reboot / coldstart...?!? Hey, looks like Lepicon is just a coldstart routine for the MS-DOs PC and not a program.

    Or maybe my MS-DOS PC is a little too fast, its an 800Mhz Pentium 2 (or 3?) PC with 256MB RAM (enough for Win XP, I know, but I don`t have an older PC for MS-DOS right now).
    Luckily I have some slow-down programs for this DOS PC, maybe I should try again with slowing down first and then loading Lepicon...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 7:
    • CommentTime10 Apr 2012
    If it's a MS-DOS program, try ->link<- - works almost flawless (under any modern windows/linux)
    Jeżeli jest to MS-DOSowy, spróbuj ->link<- - po prostu działa
    • 8: CommentAuthor0xF
    • CommentTime10 Apr 2012
    U mnie lepicon działa bez żadnych sztuczek (Windows 7 x64).
    • 9:
    • CommentTime10 Apr 2012
    U mnie dziala (XP Home)
    Hmm funny,

    Lepicon is available as "Lepicon-02.tgz", IZ-Arc asks if it should uncompress the GZipped Tar-Archive. I answered with "yes" and got a 20kbytes file named Lepicon-0.2 which seemed useless, so I renamed it to Lepicon02.Exe (which was wrong).

    The funny thing is, this 20k file is still a TAR-archive which has to be unpacked again. So, renaming it to Lepicon02.TAR and unpacking it with IZ-Arc again gave me the 16k Lepicon.Exe file and this one seems to work now under Win XP command-line, at least it displays the help-menu. Now I have to create some 256-grayshade BMP file first, to test how the conversion works (since I only have colour-pictures)...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 11:
    • CommentTime10 Apr 2012

    .tgz is a UNIX classic on it's own - it's really .tar.gz
