Conversion of files SEQ to MIDI You must have ATARI 130XE 320XE or with additional memory OF FRAMES 1) In DOS2. 5CP start SEQ2RAM. WHAT 2) Read carefully SEQ. WHAT 3) Press CTRL+SHIFT+5 and you will see lightening frame box 4) When lightening will end include {switch on} reproduction of composition - composition will become {will remain} recorded to additional memories of FRAMES 5) Go out from SEQENCERA 6) Start SEQ2RAM. WHAT again 7) Include {switch on} BASIC with command CZAR and read carefully RAM2REC. BASS to which will lose {will play} content OF FRAMES on disc as file REC( for RECORDER) 8) With programme REC2MID. EXE on PC You can file REC to transform on MIDI