Title tune for game - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
    • CommentTime21 Oct 2012
    I have a new game nearing completion, written i Turbo basic XL with some assembler.

    the game has rmt music for title screen and some in game effects.

    Does someone have a title tune i can use in this game ?

    the title tune should be max 1000 bytes rmt and the theme
    of the game is not serious but funny, so the tune should be funny.

    credit for music will be on the title screen.

    Thank you.
    • 2:
    • CommentTime21 Oct 2012 zmieniony
    I have a short funny tune I can share but it has 1,4kB. All info by michomis(at)interia(dot)pl.