Dev art - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1:
    • CommentTime7 Mar 2014
    Otrzymałem ciekawe info o imprezie łączącej artyzm z demosceną:

    Dla osób bez konta na fb:
    10 marzec 2014, Warszawa
    Dev art - art made with code

    Arts & Technology communities meetup.

    DevArt is the opportunity for developers and artists to open their creative process, share their art with the world and be a part of a global touring exhibition. DevArt is supported by a global competition that runs from 5 Feb ­ 28 March.

    The winner of DevArt will receive a fund of £25,000, Google Developer support and production support from the Barbican ...Centre to help realize their concept into a digital art installation. This installation will then be showcased at the Digital Revolution Exhibition, opening July 3rd 2014 and will then travel to cities around the world.

    More details about the DevArt competition - ->link<-

    Meetup registration:

    Warsaw DevArt Meetup is brought to you by GDG Warszawa, Artspresso and Human Tech Art.

    The event is free and Open to the Public