DOS 2 Binary File Checker - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorbaktra
    • CommentTime19 Mar 2014
    I'd like to share my DOS 2 binary file checker. It is a program written in Java that can analyze single binary files or whole directory trees of binary files.

    It reports the following binary file "flavors"
    1. Corrupt binary files (with listing of valid segments)
    2. Monolithic binary files
    3. Monolithic binary files with INIT segment
    4. Segmented binary files

    It can copy binary files of given "flavor" to a separate directory, so it can be used for example to extract all monolithic binary files from a large archive to a single directory.

    To run the program, you need Java 7.
    • 2: CommentAuthorbaktra
    • CommentTime19 Mar 2014
    I've released updated version 1.1.

    From this version, the checker will be available at as an auxiliary utility that complements the Turgen System project. The source code is inside the .jar file.

    Download from this location:


    New binary file flavors "Alien" (file that is not DOS 2 binary file) and "Segmented without INIT segments" (more DATA segments, but no INIT segment)

    Possibility to delete original file after successful copy (the move function)

    Possibility to stop processing

    Protection against overwrites when copying files (files from multiple directories can be copied to one directory). Files with duplicate names are suffixed with _0002,0003 etc.
    • 3:
    • CommentTime20 Mar 2014 zmieniony
    Baktra uzyl powyzszego programu sprawdzajac pliki w archiwum AOL pod katem zgodnosci z DOS 2 i napisal mi:


    (...) I've run binary file checker on all binary files in the games archive. It appears that 126 binary files are corrupt (that does not mean they cannot be loaded and executed). I attach a report (...)

    Na moje pytanie, co to dokladnie oznacza, ze pliki sa uszkodzone, Baktra wyjasnil mi:


    Corrupted means that they do not conform to the DOS 2 binary load file format - they have segments with negative size, or they have segments that go beyond the end of the file, or other defects.

    - Some of such files can still be loaded and run by the emulator without errors. But the binary loader inside the emulator is very permissive and other binary loaders may fail. I'll try some of them and let you know.

    - Some of them cause Atari to crash.

    Dziekuje za wyjasnienia! A dziele sie, bo moze kogos tez to zaciekawi. Wspomniany raport w zalaczniku.
    • 4: CommentAuthor0xF
    • CommentTime20 Mar 2014
    It's the first time I see decimal addresses of binary files. What can you do with decimal addresses? Hexidecimal addresses at least can be easily found in a hex editor.

    Also, it's the first time I read about "negative size". If the end address is less than the start address, it only means that the block wraps at 64k (more likely, it's truncated well before $ffff). Good loaders should handle that, same with truncated blocks or the file ending within a header.

    The report shows which files are problematic, but if a file can be loaded, it's ok for me.
    • 5: CommentAuthorbaktra
    • CommentTime20 Mar 2014
    Decimal addresses - Most recent available version of the checker lists both decimal and hexadecimal addresses.

    Yes, good loaders can handle imperfect binary files, so minor defects in internal structure of the files do not cause real problems in most cases.