Nowa gra "Sub Hunter" - Forum Atarum

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    • 1:
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2019
    Każda nowa gra to miód na nasze serca, godna osobnego wątku do dyskusji na forum. Takiż należy się i "Sub Hunter":



    • 2: CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2019
    Wątek na AAge jest dość długi. Akurat to, co prezentujesz, to jest tylko demo technologiczne i jego autor rensoup od razu na początku zapowiedział, że nie zamierza zrobić z tego gry, tylko chciał sprawdzić, jak można zrobić na A8 sprajty software'owe podkolorowane PMG i wykorzystał do tego grafikę przygotowaną kilka lat wcześniej przez Jose Pereirę w tym wątku. Może ktoś inny wykorzysta kod źródłowy tego dema, kto wie.
    • 3:
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2019 zmieniony
    Kojarzy mi się z lataną grą shantiego. Wygląda świetnie
    • 4:
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2019
    ... ktoś prawie pomyślał jak można na A8 zrobić dynamiczną strzelankę w grafice al'a Extiraptor ,poczym zrobił demko i sobie poszedł ....

    Dziwię się że nikt do tej pory nie zrobił gry w grafice Guard/Extiraptor z dopracowaną logiką starć ,dynamiką ,coś na wzór Zybexa ,gdzie pokonywalibyśmy latające fale przeciwników i na końcu etapu boss ik , ale to za trudne.
    • 5: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2019 zmieniony

    Sorry, me again ;)

    You are asking for a Extirpator lookalike with Zybex mechanics, possibly looking like that scroller in the demo?

    If one of those special people was explaining where the problems are, I'd never need to jump in any discussion.

    Zybex uses ANTIC D . That means, the screen memory is only the half of ANTIC E . This also means to handle only the half of bytes for the moving objects.
    This also means to have about 1,5MHz CPU , not just 1,3MHz , or using character Mode where only 1,2 MHz is free for the software to run.

    Extirpator isn't using any scrolling. But the coder also wasn't really experienced. It surely could have been better, if it wasn't a low budget game.

    And it is still interesting o see that scroller that "looks a little like Sub Hunter" is far away from being a game, and the coder himself states that it cannot be turned into the aimed game. Mister "JP" posted that to Lemon64 as a Game-Demo with Sprites. In German we have a Term for that "fremdschämen" .

    If you have a look at which GAMES have the most fluent gameplay, they always used ANTIC D.
    • 6: CommentAuthorsolo/ng
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2019 zmieniony
    the coder of Sub Hunter never said that, so stop spreading (another) lies what a coder said. He stated he doesnt have the time to make it a full game (the grind work) or its just not the challenge for him. Also he was tired and pissed with all your shitty comments there. And everybody else. Who knows maybe he was tired of your lame, discouraging spam.

    He even told you personally to not post in his SubHunter topic topic:

    Now GTFO, get a doctor already clown.,

    macie w linku wyzej, gdzie autor Sub Huntera mial juz dosc tego pajaca, kazac mu grzecznie opuscic topic. koles tez nie wiedzial co to za twor emkay (tak jak my kiedys wtedy nam inny atarowiec nakreslil i aby go ignorowac).

    przypominam, ze koles nie potrafi nic (code wise), koduje scrole, ale lazi i jak jakis fox+konop+eru w jednym poucza kazdego kodera. w topicu obok (Jet Set Willy) juz zaczal swoje pierdolenie, co zauwazyl ilmenit.

    gowno mnie obchodzi, ze cos z grafika robi. o kodzie nie ma bladego pojecia, a zdazyl juz podk*ic chyba kazdego kodera na Aage.

    Bambus i tyle. I nie odpuszcze bo jego pierdzielenie odpycha koderow z A8. W topicu obok nazywa koderow atarowskich blaznami, ktorzy nie wiedza co mozna zrobic na atari. Jak ktos tego idioty nie wywali to sie przestanie chciec pisac/czytac na AO - bo kazdy topic bedzie zainfekowany jego wybujalym ego.
    • 7: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2019 zmieniony
    solo/ng if you finish a prod , I possibly would respect you.

    I'm not sure now, if you are that dumb or not . The Coder of that Demo directly wrote that his goal never was to create the game, he JUST WANTED TO SHOW A DEMO WITH THE MOST POSSIBLE MOVING OBJECTS.
    What could be misunderstood there ?

    Now buy yourself a Brain and answer my question.
    • 8: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2019 zmieniony
    I only can suggest to Coders who want to push the Atari's limits, not to ignore my words. It's up to YOU guys, if you want to push the limits, or not.
    • 9:
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2019

    Well, but in both games (including Demo or Guard) opponents are present, but they fly without sense and composition.
    I do not mean smoothness, but thoughtful gameplay ... enemies coming in waves like in Zybex plus boss - this is a recipe for a good game (shooting game) Nobody does that ...
    • 10: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2019
    IRATA4 The point is that moving objects have to be recognized by the software.
    You could show "38000" moving objects in every Game. But only the objects that can be handled by the running software, could be used for that Game. The "usage" is the difference between a moving object and a "Software Sprite" .

    Particular if you have a look at Zybex. It uses Mode D for having the needed CPU Cycles to handle the Game. If you use Mode E , the CPU needs to run at 3MHz , if you want the same result.
    • 11:
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2019
    I understand .

    Now, for example, I have linked the "GUARD" game. In this game, the opponents move in a stupid way and the gameplay by the assumptions of this game is at most average, while if somone use this engine, reprograms the opponents to fly in a similar way to that of Zybex and prevent u-turns it would be a game like Zybex with better graphics and gameplay , I do not mean copying technical solutions from Zybex / a.
    On Atari, apart from zybex and X-8, there is practically no good shooter, and several times it was close, as in the aforementioned Guard - too many combinations instead of forward, opponents and Boss
    • 12: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime9 Oct 2019
    Guard is just weird. The scrolling is done, using real Mode 4 plus hardware scrolling.
    The range where the enemies approach is just Mode E.
    They cannot move into the parallax scrolling range, so they only move "stupid". The Game screen is for real about 80 lines high, The part where the Software Sprites move doesn't scroll. Seems the coder is directly changing the graphical content there, suggesting some scrolling.