Correction DL - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorPaladina
    • CommentTime23 Feb 2010

    ok I need some help with correction of Display List,I cannot find the correct adress to do right poke. Its Graphics 24 (8) in Turbo Basic with 256 X pixels (poke 559,33), but when I load the picture in memory, there is wrong HI DL adress, can anybody help please a give me correct POKE to do this right?

    There is my example in ATR and the old pic in WAR1 (320*192) and the new what I will WAR2 (256*192) with POKE 559,33

    41014 112
    41015 112
    41016 112
    41017 79
    41018 80
    41019 161
    41113 79
    41114 0 there is the HI adress that is my problem (you see in picture WAR2) then what for POKEs please?
    41115 176
    41213 65
    41214 54
    41215 160

    Thx. PALADINA ;)
    • 2: CommentAuthormarok
    • CommentTime23 Feb 2010 zmieniony
    I think it is dlist problem.
    Now is correct?
    • 3: CommentAuthorPaladina
    • CommentTime23 Feb 2010
    Not bad MAROK,the correction is good,but why I cannot use the TEXT command ?

    25 COLOR 1:TEXT 30,30,"3D GAME!"

    Need some bettering please :D
    • 4: CommentAuthormarok
    • CommentTime24 Feb 2010
    Probably TEXT instruction is not provided to do with other set 559. than to normal wide screen.
    • 5: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime24 Feb 2010
    Trouble for TEXT is the line size need to be 40 bytes. When you set POKE 559,33 line size is 32 bytes, so result of TEXT command is displaced in each line by 8 bytes (64 pixels at GR.8).
    Remedy for this is making of display list with LMS in each line for ex.:


    instead of:


    (LMS is Load Memory Screen command part, and GFX is graphics mode).

    Now when you set 559 to ANY value graphics won't be displaced and TEXT result will be correct (after POKE 559,35 and TEXT you reach repeated a piece of left part of screen displayed on the right too).