Zybex 16K - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1:
    • CommentTime1 Jul 2010
    To pytanie padlo juz w innym watku, ale warte jest wyeksponowania: CZY KTOS POSIADA ZRODLA GRY "ZYBEX"? Jest to pytanie, ktore przekazuje od Marka "Wrathchilda" Keates-a. Mark mysli o zrobieniu "Zybexa" w wersji cartridgowej, ktora dzialalaby na kazdym Atari, nawet Atari 400 i 600XL:

    I've been considering attempting a version of Zybex to run from a cart that uses just 16K of RAM so that it can be run on a stock machine (e.g. 400,
    600XL) but would then also permit a 5200 port.

    My initial investigations seems to bear out that is could be possible. Depends if extra code is needed in RAM, for example if it is self-manipulating, and if the overheads of bank switching aren't too great that the gameplay is affected. I think it'll be OK in the end though.

    Mark ma juz zdeasemblowany kod, zamierza sie nim wkrotce podzielic, ale zapytuje tez o oryginalny kod, ktory moglby pomoc w pracach:

    I've disassembled the code and re-organized it to rebuild it under my control but only to determine the RAM usage of code and data etc.

    It looks like it could be possible but I wondered if there were any orginal sources in circulation that could help me?
    • 2:
    • CommentTime5 Jul 2010 zmieniony
    Nie mam źródeł do Zybexa, ale chciałem poprosić, żeby, jak już się uda zdeassemblować, to dodać feature zapisu rekordów!

    Wczoraj pogrywałem w Zybexa, było świetnie, ale musiałem w końcu wyłączyć Atarkę :(
    Wiem, że można na emulatorze itd...
    Ale na oryginale było o niebo lepiej.
    • 3:
    • CommentTime5 Jul 2010
    Mark informuje o postepach w pracach:


    Some progress last night, I have the title/highscore and game on screen, plus music, working with my relocated code and data sources but the game
    itself crashes when launched. Will take a look tonight at that.

    My calculations seem to be just a little bit out. The high-score style screens use a full mode-F screen which uses the memory areas $C000-$CFFF and $F000->$FFFF and although I already have the $F000 one in lower memory
    now, I'm not sure if there is space for the $C000. However, because the game is not in progress it maybe possible to double-use some of the other data.



    FYI - some progress on Zybex but I'm almost convinced that it will need 8K more of RAM so looks like it won't be possible to get it to run in just
    16K :( There maybe a few byte to save though so some more analysis this week.

    So should be able to get a buildable set of sources ready this week :)

    Trzymam kciuki. A przy okazji - moze ktos sie skusi na grzebanie w "Zybex"-ie? George zapodal jeden z pomyslow, a mozna by pomyslec nad kolejnymi.