Looking for graphics for a game - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorrudla
    • CommentTime3 Oct 2010

    I would like to write some new game in Atalan for testing purposes. I'm looking for graphician, who would help me to make some nice graphics.

    I would prefer to write some platform game (and I have something in mind), but at this stage, I'm still open to other options.

    Maybe somebody has something ready, just waiting to be developed?

    I would prefer color to b&w. (I want to demonstrate dli, PMG etc.)
    • 2:
    • CommentTime4 Oct 2010
    hello, i can help you :) e-mail me: postpunkpl(monkey)
    • 3:
    • CommentTime4 Oct 2010
    Rudla, some people presented graphics for mockup compo:


    (for example I still have a hope to find coder for "Rohir" game - it is Zybex-like game)

    It might be a good idea to contact them if you like their gfx. I also know that Zdenek Eisenhamer (Pseudografx) likes tile-type games and he is good in that. Replay (aka Ripek) has some tile graphics ready to be use in games... Insert answered above...

    So, you have a lot of options... :)