Bug in Submission? - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorPetenokor
    • CommentTime9 Oct 2010 zmieniony
    Did you play "Submission"? I have just played and found a bug on 7th level. It's here:

    ->link<- When I make some steps I suddenly appeare in the privious room:


    And whatever I do it returns me to previous room. So I want to ask: is there bug in the game? Or in this ROM?
    • 2: CommentAuthorPetenokor
    • CommentTime9 Oct 2010
    And I found something more. If I try to come back to previous room I enter some may be error room:


    The level ends in that moment and then begins the first level but the color of it is different (not the same when you just begin the game).
    • 3:
    • CommentTime23 Oct 2010
    First link in your post doesn't work?