Help tip animator - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1: CommentAuthorAngel9931X
    • CommentTime1 Apr 2011
    hello friends need to know if you can teach me how to use the tip animator to do something like this video thanks.

    • 2:
    • CommentTime1 Apr 2011 zmieniony
    one can use this PC tool to create tip animations for the A8. Simply download a GIF, FLI, FLC ani (or a SHORT avi movie), extract all frames, convert the frames into tip pics with the Tipconv by Tristesse and finally convert all the tip pics into a tip animation which can be played on the real A8 or the emulator... -Andreas Koch


    This was the third link in google :)

    And - we help :))))
    We do not teach, we have no licence to teach.
    And, if you want somebody to teach you, you must pay :))))))))))))
    • 3:
    • CommentTime1 Apr 2011 zmieniony
    Angel - don't treat jhusak's jokes deadly serious :D (hint: NEVER) :)

    BTW: you're very welcome on forum, we don't have too many Spanish-speaking friends here.
    • 4:
    • CommentTime1 Apr 2011
    Angel - answering your question:

    1. Choose a video to convert. It can be movie in any format (i.e. animated GIF). Sure, you can convert only very short video clips, 8-bit Atari has no enough memory for long movies (even expanded Atari with 1MB).

    2. Use any PC tool to extract frames from movie. Usually you can't use all frames, so select frames which are giving you video clip smooth enough (or covering your source movie - it's up to you).

    3. Convert all selected frames into pics in TIP format. Use "TIPconv" by Epi:


    4. When you got your TIP pictures, use "TIP Animator" by TeBe:

    • 5:
    • CommentTime1 Apr 2011 zmieniony
    You can find a lot of examples here:

    for extended memory:


    for 64/128KB:


    Most of them were made by CharlieChaplin, who is visiting our forum.

    One of the longest animations was converted by Rocky:

    • 6:
    • CommentTime1 Apr 2011
    Prima aprilis!
    • 7: CommentAuthorAngel9931X
    • CommentTime1 Apr 2011
    friends ok thanks, I did get the first part of the frame and roll in TipConv but that's just left.

    The animator tip I get a screen M.S. D.O.S. and then removed.

    I do not understand how to use the second part is the tip animator

    • 8: CommentAuthorAngel9931X
    • CommentTime1 Apr 2011
    friends ok thanks, I did get the first part of the frame and roll in TipConv but that's just left.

    The animator tip I get a screen M.S. D.O.S. and then removed.

    I do not understand how to use the second part is the tip animator

    • 9:
    • CommentTime1 Apr 2011
    Yeah, it's command-line tool.

    try this
    tipanm 1 10
    and see what's happened.

    Other useful commands:
    - sl[value] (ie. sl8) - skip lines from top [value]
    - v[0-9] compression level (v9 - worst, v1 - best, v0 - old procedure)
    - delay[value] - set frame delay[value]
    - prg$xxxx (eg. prg$2000) - set program location
    - dic$xxxx (eg. dic$5000) - set dictionary location
    - onedic - use one dictionary (for smaller files)
    - onedic+exo - use one dictionary and compress destination file.

    And use Tip Animatior version 2.8 (attached with two examples - for 64k and for 128k).

    And - for best result - put the commands inside batch file (like in attached zip).

    Have fun!


    I only have Win XP on my internet PC, so I cannot comment on other operating systems. To use TIP Animator do the following:

    1) in WIN XP gto the command prompt; there goto the tip animator folder

    2) start tip animator like this (or simply use a batch file):

    tipanm29 1 10 max delay7

    which will "convert" 10 tip frames into a tip animation for 128k machines. If the animation is short enough, tip-animator will display some info to generate a file for 64k machines, simply type in this info, e.g.

    tipanm29 1 10 onedic+exo prg$0700 dic$27af delay7

    and tip-animator will create an exomizer packed file for 64k machines.

    3) if the animation has flicker, you may alternatively try tip animator 2xb, which will only run on 128k and 128k+ machines (no 64k version, sorry). it works almost the same as tip animator 2.9 except that there is no 64k version (and thus no onedic+exo... stuff). Alas tip animator 2xb, while producing flicker-free animations has a bug, when starting the animation for the first time you will (most of the time) see some garbage, luckily as soon as the animation re-starts, this garbage is gone... think we have to live with that, because I once contacted TeBe and he said, that he does not know how to solve this bug...

    Attached you will find my tip animator archive (with some batch files included, they assume you have the tip frames in the same folder as tip animator and tip-conv)...

    -Andreas Koch.

    P.S.: tipconv requires Java (and *.JAR associated with Java)...

    the "Buzzed" animation by Rocky does not work on a real A8 !!! - Thats why I converted it again and a) used a smaller animation with tip-animator 2xb (flicker free) and b) a longer animation with 450 frames and tip animator 2.9. You can find these two new versions at atari-age forum, simply search for "tip animator" there and goto the last page...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 12: CommentAuthorAngel9931X
    • CommentTime2 Apr 2011
    atari thanks Friends! this is my first attempt to tip animator, maybe not much but I did for all of you, it cost me because my language translation to change certain words, but I did, thanks, here's a demonstration:

    • 13:
    • CommentTime2 Apr 2011
    And for better results - try to find animations with less differencies between frames (this will avoid screen "redrawing).
    • 14:
    • CommentTime2 Apr 2011
    Andreas, can you send me your new animations in the same format like before (name_neededmemory.xex)? I'd like to put them into catalogue.

    No problem, but you can already find my "Buzzed" animations at atari-age:


    just look for post 308 (and some more anims before and after post 308). -Andreas Koch.

    P.S.: the 450 tip frames are also included there...
    • 16:
    • CommentTime5 Apr 2011
    Thanks, I got your email.
    • 17:
    • CommentTime5 Apr 2011
    Tak nawiasem mówiąc, ten tip animator mógłby używać Double Buffering :)
    • 18: CommentAuthortebe
    • CommentTime5 Apr 2011
    a kto powiedział że nie używa, są dwie wersje, Single i Double Buffering
    • 19:
    • CommentTime5 Apr 2011 zmieniony
    Oki, te filmiki na youtubie są w tej wersji bez DB.

    Przeglądałem źródła i widzę w nich walkę o każdy cykl.
    A z drugiej strony większość czasu DLINT spędzana jest na Wsyncach. Wykorzystanie tego czasu to by było nie lada wyzwanie :)))))))))))))

    Np. standardowe dla dlint:


    zajmuje 10 cykli.

    A w tipanimatorze jest
    sta zp
    stx zp
    sty zp.

    Co daje 9 cykli.

    A ja proponuję jeszcze:


    Co daje 8 cykli :)))))))))))))))
    [ edit: pomyłka, pha zajmuje 3 cykle ]

    Jednak to wszystko niewiele daje, bo to się wykonuje raz na ramkę.

    A w pozostałym czasie procesorek przerzuca kilobajty danych w rozwiniętych pętlach...

    Jak napisałem - wyzwanie, - wykorzystać przerwanie dli jako blitter :). Można by przepisać ze 6 linii pionowych :), o ile taka potrzeba by była.

    @tebe, broń Boże tego nie optymalizuj, lepiej i ciekawiej rozwijać G2F :))))))))) Aby rysowało się lepiej. Wszystkim.
    • 20:
    • CommentTime5 Apr 2011
    • 21: CommentAuthorEagle
    • CommentTime5 Apr 2011
    pha przypadkiem nie zajmuje 3 cykli? :)
    A co do wsynca to jest błogosławieństwem i przekleństwem.
    Łatwo się go używa do synchronizacji.
    A często się go nadużywa tracąc dużo cykli.
    Komodziarze go nie mają i podczas otwierania borderów potrafią jeszcze coś tam wcisnąć w lini :)
    • 22:
    • CommentTime5 Apr 2011 zmieniony
    Ups, masz rację, to operacja stosowa.
    Za to pla zajmuje aż 4 cykle (podobnie jak plp)
    • 23: CommentAuthorAngel9931X
    • CommentTime6 Apr 2011


    • 24:
    • CommentTime6 Apr 2011 zmieniony
    It could be theroretically, but the fps would be very slow (4-5 fps). Now tipanimator works as quickly as possible. The sound has to be in sync with the picture, so fps would be set to the lowest - but always achiewed.

    The movie above is black and white, so no processing during dli interrupts. It leaves more time to raw cpu time, not disturbed by dliints. Then the sound is possible.

    Believe me or not, swapping 8 kb frame by frame in worst case is very time-consuming. With sound you get the slideshow.
    4-5 fps is minimum to me the animation smooth enough IMO.

    Interesting challenge :)
    • 25:
    • CommentTime27 Apr 2011
    jhusak - are you challenging something? :)
    • 26: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime19 Jan 2012
    some anims :)
    smido.xex - my cat :)
    • 27:
    • CommentTime27 Aug 2012
    Charlie Chaplin zrobil wideo z polaczonych 50 animacji:


    today some bug-fix information was spread via atari-age forum by JAC:

    "Hi there,

    Charlie Chaplin sent me a bunch an TIP animation a while ago (Dec. 2012, huh,... )and mentioned some of them showed garbage during the first iteration of the animation for some unknown reason. Today I found his mail on my todolist (yes, it's looooog) and had a look. The reason for the garbage is that the bank counter variable is not initialized explictly before the animation starts. Due to some memory copying that takes place before this, the value of $8d may or may not be zero at the start (depending on the individual animation). Once the animation reaches the first data in the 2nd bank, the value is updated and everything is fine after this.

    So maybe tebe can add "mva #0 bank" to the begin of "tipanm_engine.asm" to fix this.

    Because hardly anybody would re-encode the existing animations (well maybe except Andreas with his endless passion and patience;-) ), here also a small fix for the existing ones:

    - Copy the .xex file
    - Append the following bytes to the and of the file using a hex editor or your favourite DOS: $8d $00 $8d $00 $00.

    This works for the version the I've seen. Older versions might have a different value then $8d for the bank counter."

    faster than lightning TeBe released an update of tip-animator 2xB:
