XM 2 GTIA... - Forum Atarum

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    Think I downloaded the tool xm2gtials.exe from atari-age or aol forum. Today I wanted to test it and converted a few *.XM sounds into GTIA sounds...

    Alas, all converted sounds do sound somehow strange (like terrible noise!), so I guess I did something wrong. Since the converter program xm2gtials.exe does not have any options, what did I do wrong ?!?

    Do I have to convert the XM sounds from stereo into mono first ?!? Or do I have to convert them into 8Bit (or 4Bit, or 2Bit, or 1Bit) first before using the xm2gtials program ?!? Attached a disk with a few converted sounds to analyze (XM sounds taken from

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 2: CommentAuthorxxl
    • CommentTime29 Jan 2013
    moze ktos przetlumaczy:

    xm2gtiaLS - LS czyli LyndonSharp, konwertuje pliki .xm ktore:
    1. maja 3 kanaly dzwieku (w przygotowaniu konwerter 9-kanalowy)
    2. pierwszy i drugi kanal xm jest dla tonow, trzeci kanal jest dla perkusji.
    3. pierwszy kanal gra odrobine ciszej od drugiego
    4. instrumenty sa dwa: pierwszy TONE, drugi DRUMS
    5. tracki moga byc roznej dlugosci, jedyna obslugiwana komenda jest Fxx - tempo (na poczatku patternu)
    6. PERC gra: C4-A4, TONE gra: B1-A5

    w zalaczniku przyklad xm ktory zostal prawidlowo przygotowany.
    • 3:
    • CommentTime29 Jan 2013

    xm2gtiaLS - LS mean LyndonSharp, converts .xm files that:
    1. Have 3 channels (9 channels converter is on the way)
    2. 1st and 2nd channels xm are for TONE, 3rd for DRUMS
    3. 1st channel is a bit quieter than 2nd
    4. there is only 2 instruments, 1st - TONE, 2nd Drums
    5. Tracks can be different length, the only supported command is FXX - (tempo , speed) at the beginning of pattern.
    6 Drum is playing C4-A4, Tone B1-A5

    The translation is not perfect but I hope it will help :)

    thanks for the translation ! So I have to wait for the 9-channel converter then, since most .XM sounds from do have more than 3 channels...

    Greetings - Andreas Koch.
    • 5: CommentAuthorxxl
    • CommentTime29 Jan 2013
    nie, problem pozostanie. te programy sluza do konwersji wlasnych utworow. zeby konwertowac utwory z modarchive trzeba zmienic przypisania instrumentow. w przypadku OCTODE (9-kanalow) bedzie dokladnie ten sam problem 8 kanalow dzwieku i 1 kanal perkusja.
    • 6: CommentAuthor0xF
    • CommentTime31 Jan 2013

    No, the problem will remain. The converters are meant for own compositions. If you are going to convert modarchive file, you need to change instrument mappings. For OCTCODE (9 channels) there will be exactly the same problem: 8 sound channels and 1 drum channel.