Odpalanie Video 15KHZ za pomocą SIDE - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1:
    • CommentTime26 May 2019
    Potrzebuję jakiś skonwertowany materiał Video pod CF dla A8 linki itp .
    Playera do odpalania tegoż Video .
    Przydał by się również jakiś materiał z zintegrowanym Playerem .

    Poszukuje opisu i narzędzi do konwertowania plików Video ,informacji wszelakich .

    Posiadam SIDE1.

    Wiem że te informacje gdzieś są ..., ale ostatnio mam niezły zapierdziel w pracy i życiu prywatnym ,dla osoby nieznającej tematu wyszukanie tegoż wszystkiego nie jest takie proste .
    • 2:
    • CommentTime27 May 2019
    Pomoże ktoś ???
    You mean for phaeron's 50fps (PAL) or 60fps (NTSC) videoplayer ?!? If so...

    I have a short ASCII text description and a longer PDF description with text+pics by Nir Dary (but without the required PC tools, which you have to search and download yourself then). And I have a complete (?) tool set that has a size of 20MB (includes all required PC tools, e.g. Altirra 2.90, Virtual Dub, XVID Decoder, etc.), but is too large to upload here (max. 8MB allowed). Have never converted a video to the A8 myself however (and have never used Virtual Dub)...

    Please note, that these A8 videos are all restricted currently to Gr. 9+11 resolution (80x96 or 80x100 pixels, non-interlaced, flicker-free) and 15khz Pokey sound. Problems: Amount of colours (256) is nice, but resolution is extremely low, you have to stay away some meters to recognize anything. The sound has a terrible, terrorising, ear-hurting whistling noise, produced from Pokey itself (and it is so terrible that even I can hear it, allthough I am hard-hearing). For me, the video is acceptable (though I would not mind having 160x200 pixels with only 16 colours or in case of b/w movies with 16 greys), but the sound is NOT! acceptable. But hey, I am a lover of silent movies (esp. Laurel & Hardy, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd) hence my nickname... ;-)
    • 4:
    • CommentTime27 May 2019
    ... I do not know what i'm looking for, but i think that's what I mean.
    Description which you mentioned i think would be very useful for me, you can send this to my e-mail address which you will see in my profile .it's a pity that it does not work in high definition, but i like GTIA and related modes because they define ATARI :-).
    The launch program is also needed for this,
    It is a pity that there is not a ready one, but i think i can do it.Thank's