I wonder , how many people really get what there is going on in this vid....
Actually, I don't like the original already. But it is a very good demonstration of the "endless" possibilities" the PWM offers. It's the biggest advantage, POKEY has, as it is acting "analogue", which beats every other soundchip away.
There is alway the question: What could a musician do with POKEY , if he'd take care of the chip's features.... creating new stunning tunes... It's still a mess that no fully working Tracker is available and no musician puts the advantages of POKEY into the notes....
The next tune is (again) some tune that was born into the "Cellphone" sounding of the SID chip ;)
And, well , the "sparepart" Synth features that RMT doesn't have ;)
Also missing: A "workshop" to create a working bass line using the polycounters" ...
@Krystone podpowiedział, że można .xex-a ściągnąć z ASMA z utworu Analmuxa Instrumentarium v2. Mam już playera i w zasadzie mam co potrzebuję. Ale miło byłoby też mieć RMT (o ile nie przepadł z kretesem, choć właściwie mając playera to w razie czego da się go odtworzyć).
A ciekawostka jest taka, że są w takim razie 3 wersje Instrumentarium: - Instrumentarium (patch 3) - Instrumentarium Remix 1 (patch 3) - Instrumentarium V2 (patch 5)