Is it possible to shorten / cuf off MOD files ? There are several editors, but all I want to do is shorten two files and simply cut off everything after a certain time...
- Dancin' Nation: The original file has a length of approx. 8:51 minutes, I would like to end it (cut everything off) a) after approx. 7:11 minutes and b) even shorter after approx. 3:05 minutes, when the sampled voice says "yeah".
- Arc of a Diver: The original file has a length of approx. 4:46 minutes, I would like to end it after approx. 0:56 minutes (when the intro fades out).
Can someone explain me how to do that or even better, can someone do this for me ?
hmm @sun, but from what I understand, this 'short mod' is for shortening in the sense of reducing the size of the MOD file to load it into memory. and Charlie's point is to shorten the song as such.
a mod is not a sound file like wav,mp3,ogg,etc. it's like a container that contains the score and samples. basically to shorten it you would have to edit it with some kind of tracker. alternatively, if you don't need a mod file as a result, then export the whole song to e.g. wav and shorten it to any fragment (and possibly compress it to mp3/other).
@nogorg: Thank you for shortening/cutting the two MOD files for me. I never had an ST or Amiga and thus almost never used MOD before. On the PC, I do have OpenMPT and played around with it, even tried to make these two MODs shorter (cutting off the end, by removing patterns in channels 1-4), but it did not really work. Looks like I did something wrong, because when I removed parts at the end of the MOD, suddenly parts at the beginning of the MOD were also missing... Maybe someone can do a short tutorial how to do that with OpenMPT ?
@sun: I know these tools by TeBe and even tried to use them with four MOD files, where the samples were too long to convert them into NEO-Format. Alas, it did not work, e.g. when I tried to convert Dancin' Nation into NEO-Format, I got the error "sample too long". So I used these TeBe tools, but afterwards the file was not accepted as MOD anymore (all my MOD players refused to play it) and converting into NEO-Format still did not work.
To tell the truth, this would have been the next step and therefore the next question here: How can I shorten samples in MOD files or cut them into two halves with TeBe's tools, so that they are still recognized as MOD and can be converted into NEO-Format afterwards ? I do not need to convert hundreds of MOD files, just these four: 1) Another C64 Mix (Anoth64.MOD), 2) Dancin' Nation (Dancin.MOD), 3) Danger Zone (DangZone.MOD), 4) Das Omen (DasOmen.MOD). Maybe someone can do a kind of tutorial how to do that with TeBe's tools ?