One of the problems of this game are the player colours - the computer (or 2nd player) always has the opposite colours of player 1. Meaning if player 1 chooses violet and black, then the computer has black and violet (it is the same with other colours). Thus, during a game with several players on the screen it is difficult to distinguish which are your own and which are the computers players.
The game was available on tape and disk by Tynesoft. (Tape could be copied easily to diskette with various C-simulators.) Nowadays it is not so easy to find the original tape or disk, since it did not sell very well. The reviews in most magazines declared the game either as mediocre or bad and mentioned various negative points, not only the colours...
Może niedoceniana, bo nie ma tu czego doceniać. Jest raczej słaba. Sorry, ale na Atari niestety nie było nigdy żadnej dobrej piłki. A ocenianie między szeregiem słabych gier, która z tych najsłabszych jest najmniej najsłabsza to takie trochę bez sensu. Graficznie nawet nieźle, muzycznie też fajnie. Ale co z tego jak się to do grania nie nadaje za bardzo.