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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    Hi, I am trying to get how many A8 users are active/exist nowadays and if they have real Machines working and will/would be interested in buy large size Games Carts like Space Harrier if this come into A8.

    Not saying I have nothing for the moment, not is commercially intention.

    Mostly is to get the number of A8 these Days...
    Please visit and vote/answer at this poll at Atariage:

    Please go all there, please!...
    José Pereira.
    • 2:
    • CommentTime15 Dec 2010
    Jose - let me translate your post into Polish.

    Panowie (i panie?), Jose namawia do wypelnienia ankiety na AA w sprawie posiadania prawdziwego sprzetu Atari, co ma zwiazek z wydawaniem gier na cartach:


    Dla nie szprechajacych krotkie tlumaczenie dostepnych tam opcji:

    Real A8 Machines - prawdziwy sprzet A8
    I have at lest one one - mam co najmniej jeden
    I have more than one (state how many...) - mam wiecej niz jeden (wpisz ile)
    I do not have any - nie mam zadnego
    I intend to buy one (Model?) - zamierzam kupic (jaki model?)
    I will sell mine (please don - zamierzam sprzedac (prosze nie

    New Cartridge Large Size Games - gry na nowych, pojemnych cartach
    I will buy if they are original Games - kupie, jesli gra jest oryginalna
    I will buy if they are ports of Arcade Games - kupie, jesli jest to port gry arcade
    I will buy if they are all type of new Games - kupie jakokolwiek gre
    I will not buy, just want to have free Emulator downloads - nie kupie, chce darmowego pliku do uruchamiania na emulatorze
    I will not buy, just want free files to run on my real Machine - nie kupie, chce darmowego pliku do uruchamiania na komputerze

    I will pay for new Cart Games - zaplace za nowe gry na cartach
    Yes - tak
    No - nie
    Depends of the Game - zalezy od gry

    How much money would I pay for each one of this new Large Games (only if you click on Options 1or3 of the previous question) - ile pieniedzy jestes gotow zaplacic za gre - dla tych, co zaznaczyli opcje 1 lub 3 w poprzednim pytaniu
    less than $49,95 - mniej niz 50 dolarow
    $49,95 - 50 dolarow
    $59,95 - 60 dolarow
    $69,95 - 70 dolarow
    Any price if the Game is the one(s) I always wanted to see on A8 - dowolna cene jesli gra jest taka, jaka zawsze chcialem miec
    Depends if I first saw and like the Gfxs./Playing of the Game - najpierw musze zobaczyc i musi podobac mi sie grafika/rozgrywka
    Thanks Kaz.
    Better people understand this in his Native language.

    José Pereira.