I have had more success in converting GIF and other formats into these new software modes I have been experimenting with ...
Attached is a picture of two rainbow parrots, converted to the Super CIN mode. This mode is similar to the bitmap CIN mode, but you get 80 colors at ANTIC 4 resolution. How it works is there is a flip of the GTIA so that you cycle between normal ANTIC 4, and Graphics 0.11 (or Graphics 0 set to GTIA 11, 15 hues + black)
I've done this same pic successfully in these other modes: APAC 0, HIP 0, CHIP 0, Super MIN ... and I will be posting these up real soon.
The Super CIN pic is a composite ... on the ANTIC 4 side, I used G2F on a converted greyscale of the original gif, and saved fonts. On the Graphics 11 side, I used Jeff Potter's APACVIEW to save a GR 11 bitmap, then I was able to write a BASIC program to extract Graphics 0.11 fonts from this, which match up with the ANTIC 4 fonts to create the interlace pic.
There is an .atr at the beginning of the topic, rainbow parrot.atr ... run this with BASIC turned off. This is a TurboBASIC program, with a VBI and DLI routine combined to make the display.