Space Rocket Game - Work in progress - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
    • CommentTime10 May 2011 zmieniony

    Im working on a space rocet game for atari 8-8bits XE/XL.

    Its about 60% done.

    I plan to finish it but i dont know when its going to be finished.Its written in Turbo basic XL.

    Her some images from it:
    • 2:
    • CommentTime10 May 2011
    nice, keep going.
    I would like to see example video to check how it moves.
    • 3: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
    • CommentTime13 May 2011
    all movement uses Player missile graphics and is smooth.

    Maybe i can put up som video some other time when the
    game is more complete.
    • 4: CommentAuthorPhilsan
    • CommentTime13 May 2011
    Seems very nice.