Dracula Lives 168 Update. - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
    • CommentTime18 Jul 2011 zmieniony
    The Game Dracula Lives have been updated to ver 1.68

    Whats new:

    Coming of daylight is a bit more challenging.

    Ending is better.

    When the game is played to the end and Mina is rescued its a more flashy ending.

    1 minor bug fix.

    Page for game ->link<-

    There is also some more info on the space rocket game
    im working on the Atarimania forum.

    Link ->link<-

    • 2:
    • CommentTime18 Jul 2011
    go, go, go:)
    perhaps you can finish space rocket game on SV game compo?
    • 3: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
    • CommentTime18 Jul 2011 zmieniony
    Thank you.

    i dont know how long it will take.

    Impossible to say.

    I only done some minor work lately.

    But i plan to finish it sometime.

    • 4: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime19 Jul 2011
    i love this game :)
    • 5: CommentAuthors2325
    • CommentTime7 May 2012

    • 6: CommentAuthornosty
    • CommentTime7 May 2012
    I like this game! Good classic Atari style :)
    • 7: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
    • CommentTime7 May 2012
    Actually is up to version 1.73 four months ago at my homepage..

    With some improvements..

    This was my first game programming in atari in 20 years so it was many versions because i was learning as i programmed.
    • 8: CommentAuthornosty
    • CommentTime7 May 2012
    Updates are ok, but what about Dracula Lives 2? ;)
    • 9: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
    • CommentTime7 May 2012
    Hehe.. that could be a idea for the future, using new skills to make a new and better game. Only time will tell if that happens but for now im working on another game.