Changing graphics mode in the middle of a line - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1: CommentAuthorrudla
    • CommentTime18 Jan 2012

    is it possible (and how?) to change the graphics mode in the middle of a line?

    I.e. can I have left half of the screen in gr.8 and the right half in gr.15?

    I'm not interested in GTIA modes (i.e. modifying $D01B register) rather modes normally specified in DL.

    • 2:
    • CommentTime18 Jan 2012
    Afaik the hw bug that causes not going into 8 gr mode again after change from Gtia modes works only when in the middle you switch to gtia gr.mode an off - like in famous Our 5oft demo.

    The two ways you can achieve this without gtia is to:
    - use sprites
    - use interlace :P

    But I think you are not interested in any of them.