Rmt Music Archive ? - Forum Atarum

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      • 1: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 17:04

      Is there some RMT music file collection on the net ?

      And how it is to use rmt music for own game or program ?

      Is it ok as long the author of music gets the credit with name in Game or program ? or must one ask permission to use Rmt music files im own program or game first ?

      • 2:
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 17:04
      You should ask for permission if you want use RMT file in your production. This is of course general rule for any kind of stuff.
      • 3: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 17:04
      Yeah normally it is so, or i can have someone make music to be used in game, sometime in the future.

      • 4: CommentAuthor0xF
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 17:04
      There's no RMT archive, because RMTs can be easily extracted from SAPs (ASMA) using ASAP.
      • 5: CommentAuthorGonzo
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 18:04
      mrgrelec - here is a simple example how to use g2f with rmt (you need to put mads.exe in the directory)

      hmm, there is such archive in rmt

      świetna muza stringa z dema xxlatari, warto sobie przypomnieć. jeśli chodzi o muzyczki mono na a8 to w tej chwili jest to nr 1 na mojej top liście :)
      • 6: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 19:04
      I learnt how to use RMT music files in Turbo basic thanks to Atari Online and thanks to the author of the machine langugage routine..

      So my next game will perhaps be my first collaboration with a atari musician ? sometime in the future :)
      • 7:
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 19:04
      Yes, you can find a lot of active Atari musicians here. To name a few of them: String, Caruso, Miker, Sonar, Zilq.
      • 8: CommentAuthorMrGrelec
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 19:04
      Thank you.. il get back to his matter sometime in the Future.
      • 9:
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 20:04
      Looks promising :D
      • 10:
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 20:04
      Yes, I think you can easy get help from us :)
      By the way, this music from archive is damaged some how?
      Correct one you can find here:


      also other version but played once a frame:
      • 11: CommentAuthorGonzo
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2012 22:04
      string - sor, oczywiscie, że to nie jest oryginał, trochę się tym bawiłem i mam tyle wersji, że załączyłem nie to co trzeba :(