PARADROID on A8 would be 'just perfect'... - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    If anyone is interested or ever thought in coding Paradroid to A8:

    "So this is just one more and a really possible one.
    -> ANTIC4 40bytes ANTIC 4ways Hardware Scrolling
    -> PRIOR1
    -> 1Charset for the Playing Area
    -> Another Charset for the circuits/taking control of other Robot screen
    -> All Robots and Fire shoot are one PMG eachone
    -> Hi-Resolution screens as Bitmap GR.8 and DLIs (left side Robots using 2Players Multicolour gives you the mix between 1:1 and 2:1)
    -> Using A8 colour Pallete to have the diferent colours and luminances for each Level.

    It really seems that like this a 64Kb version it's possible (it goes in the same direction as C64 because it is using PMGs/Hardware sprites):
    And I have all the other screens 'in the making')"
    • 2: CommentAuthorrudla
    • CommentTime1 Aug 2012
    Hi José,

    it seems to me, that width of robots on your pictures is at least 10 pixels. To fit one PMG, the width must be at most 8 pixels (but then it's probably impossible to fit 3 digits there).
    Impossible Mission I has the Robots 8pixels wide and thats why you can have just one Player overlay in eachone and that if you set PF3 colour White then 5th Player/4Misssiles can be on the guy Arms/Head/Skin.
    • 4: CommentAuthorrudla
    • CommentTime1 Aug 2012
    I mean the representation of the robot in the game (for example picture "PARADROID on A8 BACKGR(2,4).png").
    There the robot with level 476 has at least 10 pixels.
    Ooops. I was talking about Impossible Mission with someone and answer with it in mind.
    ( ->link<- )
    Yes, the Droids must be all translated from 24 Hi-Resolution pixels into 10 2:1 pixels on A8 like that 'nº 476' on the pictures.
    Yes, eachone would use 1Player + 1 Missile.