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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
org $4000 sei ;disable all interruptsloop lda RTCLOK+2 ;generate a moving, varying number pattern based on system clock and rasterline ora VCOUNT adc RTCLOK+1 sta $d009,y ;don't use all GTIA registers (found by trial&error) bmi jumper ;every 128 frames do some more glitchy stuff and #$79 ;the other 128 frames mask out some bits to get more stable graphics/sounds tay ;and save it as new indexjumper sta $d200,y ;trigger some sound stuff bpl weiter ;if we've taken the second 128 frames above, just continue to the end and #$77 ;otherwise mask out another set of bits and use as index for next frame tayweiter bpl loop ;since all values are garantueed to be positive now, just loop
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