New Year's new Project? - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    Hi. Merry Christmas.
    Please have a look in here:

    José Pereira.
    All the 4versions ans somer explanations:

    And the A8 looking, now all the screen including the Status Area:
    Hi to all and a Happy New Year of 2013.
    As we all hope that Tezz finish BARBARIAN I I start thinking in II...

    Using some same ideas from I but little diferent as we would need all PMGs on the two guys (there's no side snakes here).
    Don't know if it is possible to move this large enemys as soft sprites but probably it is...
    First thing I need was to get a way that PM2 and PM3 used on the Enemys could be at double width to cover some of them (the large ones). As the Black is on the 'contours' of these guys then Black must never be BACKGROUND colour register. I must have a good colour to have the Borders and not enter in CPU intensive (and probably impossible?)) if going into 48bytes wide Mode.
    Based on this I could set PF0 as Black (0,2) and BACKROUND Gray (0,6) in all the 4 game screens.
    Two at the Top and more Three Blank char-lines at the Bottom Blueshish' 'DLIs to get better looking.
    Our guy is small sized and can go well with PM0 and PM1 Normal width (only Missiles expanded when the weapons are at horizontal position).

    The charsets are 9:
    -> I made some small pixels changes so that Top Status Area now fits in one charset.
    -> Same for the Bottom one again in just 1 charset.
    (These two are always the same for all the game)
    -> The Playing Area (15 char-lines) has the 'Mimic Bitmap Mode' so that:
    - The first two and last one char-lines are one charset (where the guys don't go so: 3char-lines x 40)
    - The other 12 are in format 2char-lines x 40bytes leaves more than needed for the guys soft sprites more shifting)

    -> Choose Players screen (prepared to move the guy you choosed) and the 4levels screens: