POISON's Cyber City cms files for free - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorpoison
    • CommentTime3 Jan 2013
    I Greet all my fans! There are all tunes from my album Cyber City. All is on selfboot atr file (SDCMC composer and 13 cms files). It is a bit delayed Christmas present;-)

    SID sucks! POKEY Rulezzz the world!

    Have a good time and all the best in 2013:)

    • 2: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime4 Jan 2013
    Hi Poison. Have you got any manual to SDCMC? I'll be very interested for format description too.
    • 3: CommentAuthorpoison
    • CommentTime4 Jan 2013
    There is not any manual for sdcmc composer or cms format:( I can write you how to use it (use is almost the same as normal CMC is). But if you want to know any special information try to ask DATRI (David Spilka) who programmed it (specially for me:) )or Fandal (František Houra) who implemented my music to demos and some games. They are the biggest experts on it.

    SDCMC is extendet (I think) CMC 2.0. There are added some modifications - Stereo 6channels, doble mode for instruments (twotimes faster play) activate press inverse key on real atari or End key in Emulator Atari800WinPlus. And there is new special disk operation menu (with some bugs:( ) - press shift and esc.

    I am sorry, but I can not help you more:( I am only musician:) So . . . do you like my music? ;-)
    • 4: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime4 Jan 2013 zmieniony
    Thank you for information. I read in scroll in track editor are accessible Shift+V(olume)/M(ode)/P(ause) too.

    Edit: I can't hear music now, because I can't load any (program crash). Sorry :/