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Garry Kasparov:
I WAS INTRODUCED to computers in 1983, although I didn't play chess with them at the time. The British computer company Acorn, the "British Apple," sponsored my match against Viktor Korchnoi in London that year, and of course their products were on display. Businesses, hobbyists, and other early adopters across Europe were paying large sums for the first few generations of home computers and Acorn was doing very well. I won the match, putting me a step away from my first world championship contest with Anatoly Karpov the next year, and was also given an Acorn home computer to take back to Baku. I flew on Aeroflot sitting next to the Soviet ambassador, and my fragile new trophy had its own VIP seat and blanket.Garry Kasparov:
And so, when I signed a sponsorship deal with the computer company Atari in 1986, I took as payment over fifty of their newest machines to bring back to form a youth computer club in Moscow, the first of its kind in the Soviet Union. I continued to supply the club with hardware and software acquired on my travels and it became a hub for many talented scientists and hobbyists.Elo rating vs. winning probabilities
This table shows the correlation between the difference in Elo points and the probability of winning a game (in bold). So for example if a player has won 60% of her games against an opponent, she would be approximately 72 Elo points stronger. Conversely, a player that is 150 points weaker than his opponent, has only a 30% chance of winning a game.
.99 +677 .66 +117 .33 -125
.98 +589 .65 +110 .32 -133
.97 +538 .64 +102 .31 -141
.96 +501 .63 +95 .30 -149
.95 +470 .62 +87 .29 -158
.94 +444 .61 +80 .28 -166
.93 +422 .60 +72 .27 -175
.92 +401 .59 +65 .26 -184
.91 +383 .58 +57 .25 -193
.90 +366 .57 +50 .24 -202
.89 +351 .56 +43 .23 -211
.88 +335 .55 +36 .22 -220
.87 +322 .54 +29 .21 -230
.86 +309 .53 +21 .20 -240
.85 +296 .52 +14 .19 -251
.84 +284 .51 +7 .18 -262
.83 +273 .50 0 .17 -273
.82 +262 .49 -7 .16 -284
.81 +251 .48 -14 .15 -296
.80 +240 .47 -21 .14 -309
.79 +230 .46 -29 .13 -322
.78 +220 .45 -36 .12 -335
.77 +211 .44 -43 .11 -351
.76 +202 .43 -50 .10 -366
.75 +193 .42 -57 .09 -383
.74 +184 .41 -65 .08 -401
.73 +175 .40 -72 .07 -422
.72 +166 .39 -80 .06 -444
.71 +158 .38 -87 .05 -470
.70 +149 .37 -95 .04 -501
.69 +141 .36 -102 .03 -538
.68 +133 .35 -110 .02 -589
.67 +125 .34 -117 .01 -677
Mephisto Nigel Short 6502 10 MHz 2083
Mephisto Nigel Short 6502 5 MHz 2031
Mephisto Polgar 6502 10 MHz 2076
Mephisto Polgar 6502 5 MHz 1990
Mephisto Modena 6502 8 MHz 1980
Mephisto Modena 6502 4 MHz 1912