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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
.proc is_on_map_3030(.word part2) .var
ldx #0
#if .word part2 = game_state.current_map+2 .and .word game_state.current_map = #$3030
:?J/2-1 ORA#0
immovabl.asm (352) ERROR: Value out of range
Writing listing file...
.STRUCT game
current_map .dword
.var game_state game
org $2000
.def part2
.STRUCT game
current_map .dword
.var game_state game
.proc is_on_map_3030(.word part2) .var
ldx #0
#if .word part2 = game_state.current_map+2 .and .word game_state.current_map = #$3030
Writing listing file...
Writing object file...
7582 lines of source assembled in 8 pass
15956 bytes written to the object file
org $2000
.def part2
.STRUCT game
current_map .dword
.var game_state game
.proc is_on_map_3030(.word part2) .var
ldx #0
#if .word part2 = game_state.current_map+2 .and .word game_state.current_map = #$3030
lda #0
c:\>mads.exe -l:test.lst -o:test.xex test.asm
Writing listing file...
Writing object file...
23 lines of source assembled in 4 pass
67 bytes written to the object file
c:\>mads.exe -x -l:test.lst -o:test.xex test.asm
:?J/2-1 ORA#0
test.asm (12) ERROR: Value out of range
Writing listing file...
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