PMG priority in HiRes - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorrudla
    • CommentTime26 Apr 2013

    I'm trying to use PMG to color HiRes graphics.
    PMG colours get ORed with playfield.

    Is there some settings, where this ORing does not occur?
    • 2: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime26 Apr 2013 zmieniony
    PMG color (chromacity and lightness) replaces background in hires. Ink color is composed as background chromacity (or PMG if used) and ink lightness. There is no setting to change this behavior.
    You can experiment with all PMG settings of course (multicolor, 5th player, priorities).
    • 3:
    • CommentTime26 Apr 2013 zmieniony
    Hi Rudla, here are my questions: ->link<- ->link<- ->link<- Good luck!