Here is photo of my cable (resistors are under tape) :)
It working. However easier is connect regular tape player to PC by jack-jack cable. "Atari T2000" is Turbo K.S.O. compatible, but better with older version of this turbo - latest version save shorter lead signal for each block and may cause blocks skipping or errors here (need listen signal and watch log to see if everything is saved, if not - need to repeat). There is also problem with non standard characters (like inverse) in file names. Fortunately we have sources and another version available here: ->link<-
I don't know when that error occur (this error is defined in Recorder.cpp). Of course you need to connect jack to line-in - light blue :), also you may need set correct recording device and experiment with recording volume in mixer. Also channels may be switched. When "Waiting for the header" appear you need to save something from Atari where you have connected this cable to joy 2nd port. Of course you must have K.S.O. Turbo loaded. For example to save Basic program type SAVE"D: MYBASPROG1". T2000 should find this header and try to load data. Other problem - sometime this soft stuck with "waiting" and must be restarted.
BTW: The second version of T2000 have "Turbo 2000 CZ" version available to set. Unfortunately not tested by me.
Edit: You can try audio recording software to see signal level. You can also try Turgen System - there is also Turbo Decoder build in, but I can't say if this cable is supported (probably should work).
You need to have K.S.O. handler loaded on Atari. I don't know what loader you have? As far as I know there are two loaders for this turbo, but those loaders are NOT for loading turbo program from normal, but for load some programs that normally crash in K.S.O. (loader 1 need file with header, loader 2 without header). If you don't have K.S.O. cartridge you may load Turbo OS from tape - two versions available here: ->link<- . You can use car cassette adapter to transfer this to Atari ->link<- (or other method) and save on tape in normal. Then you can load your K.S.O. tapes on Atari and transfer files to PC (using included copier for example). From K.S.O. you can also access "normal" saved tapes - just use "C:" instead of "D: *" ("D:" is turbo in this case), so you can copy normal files to turbo and turbo to normal (for "execs" usually "!" loader is required).
Edit: Of course to load K.S.O. tapes on Atari you need K.S.O. build in in your cassette recorder (this is easy to build anyway). Without K.S.O. hardware you may load normal and then save (transfer) as Turbo through this T2000 cable to PC. If you have disk drive (or equivalent) for your Atari you can use AUTOCOPY to copy files from diskette to PC using T2000 cable.