dostalem nastepujacy mail, ktory przytaczam w calosci w oryginale, a potem krotkie streszczenie po polsku:
Hopefully you won't consider this mail spam. We may or may not have crossed swords thus far, but I'm one of the admins from the forums, home to all-manner of lovely BBC micro and Acorn Electron fun.
After years of our community being restricted to moping about on the web, there is soon to be a rather splendid gathering of all sorts of clever bods who continue to enjoy tinkering away with their Acorn machines over in Huddersfield. Dave Moore has put together a handy site with all the info: ->link<-
Anyway, it's looking like this is going to be the biggest Acorn event this decade - with a ton of stuff going on: special guest Prof. Stephen Furber, a designer of the BBC Micro, plus an attempt to setup the biggest Econet network in existence, as well as new BBC/Electron/Archimedes games from Retro Software and, most importantly, the chance to chat with most of the biggest beeb/elk enthusiasts on the net!
We want this one to be off the hook - and it would be great if you could join us. For some, it may seem like a bit of a drive but the fun will be going on all weekend and, if you'd like to drop either one of us a mail, Dave and myself are attempting to co-ordinate lifts from around the country (there's potentially four in the car I'll be coming in!) and may even be able to help make arrangements between ppl willing to share a twin hotel room, if you're trying to restrict the impact on your wallet.
Hopefully, there shouldn't be any need to stress about not knowing anyone - most of the attendees are in exactly the same boat and once the fun starts, everyone gets stuck in together. The best option is to pick out one of the forum regulars like myself, or Dave (who usually wears a Liverpool shirt of some description) who can point you to our base of operations where everyone can find a hearty welcome.
There's already a goodly number of people (> 30) from STH, the BBC Micro Mailing list and beyond already signed up, many of whom are chatting away in this topic:
If you're into Acorn stuff, you really don't want to miss this one ... ;)
Najwazniejsze informacje: 1. To pierwsza od wielu lat impreza Acornowcow. Bedzie wiec sporym wydarzeniem w ich swiecie. 2. Bedzie nawet Stephen Furber - projektant BBC Micro. 3. Odbedzie sie w Huddersfield (w UK, niedaleko Leeds i Manchesteru). 4. Wszystko na tej stronie: ->link<- 5. Impreza weekendowa. 6. Bilety na impreze kosztuja 13 funtow, ale oprocz wejscia na Acorn World 2009 umozliwiaja tez wejscie na rownolegla impreze w tej samej miejscowosci - Retro Reunited. 7. Retro Reunited to taka impreze dla graczy i milosnikow starych gier, na ktorej bedzie tez sprzet Atari: ->link<- 8. Wszystko 12-13 wrzesnia tego roku.