Niestety, ale po kilkunastu próbach okazało się, że cały czas mi wyskakują błędy odczytu. Na początku to zignorowałem i myślałem, że jest wszystko w porządku. Nie wiem, czy to wina Turgena, czy ja źle coś zgrywam, ale teraz jak próbowałem to magnetofon raz mi czyta loader, raz nie, a jak już czyta, to wyskakują błedy odczytu w wgrywaniu gry - to był chyba niezły fart, że się mi udało wczytać grę i w nią zagrać. Nie wiem co robię źle.
Myślę, że skoro raz się udało, to Turgen utworzył plik prawidłowo, a przyczyna prawdopodobnie leży po stronie magnetofonu. A wgrywasz z kasety czy przez adapter kasetowy? Adapter pomija mechanikę magnetofonu, więc większa szansa na wczytanie. Co do kaset to jeszcze dochodzi problem ustawienia głowicy, ale w XC12 lepiej jej nie ruszać (o ile jest ustawiona prawidłowo) - choć ja kręciłem ją non stop :).
Wgrywam z kasety. Właśnie wiele razy próbowałem ustawić głowicę w CA12, niestety z marnym skutkiem - i tak miałem błędy odczytu, a wgranie gry - jak już mówiłem, było fartem. Próbowałem też na dwóch różnych kasetach - nic to nie zmieniło.
I am attaching bleeding-edge turgen.jar (place to your existing installation directory). It can convert segmented binary files to Turbo ROM.
Of course, there are still binary files that will not work, because they simply destroy the miniature binary loader while being loaded.
Unfortunately, I cannot help with the read errors from distance. General advice - do not use Direct audio output from Turgen System but always generate WAVE files first.
Już przy nagrywaniu kasty sygnał może być nie taki jak potrzeba. Za słaby, za mocny, nagrany z innym ustawieniem głowicy, może też być zniekształcony... trudno powiedzieć... a może spróbuj skopiować ten program który nagrałeś na kasetę przy pomocy kopiera dołączonego do turbo na Atari - jak się skopiuje i będzie się wczytywał to będziesz miał pewność, że na Atari jest dobrze, a tylko kasetę z PC źle nagrywasz... a jak z tym programem jest problem to spróbuj inny jaki masz.
TS 8.3.15 has improved version of the binary loader. By the way, there are 2201 Turbo ROM compatible binary files in the game archive. List is attached.
baktra is there any way for you to make in turgen a few records loader with game title for turbo rom, after which game in turbo rom is starting to load?
I have something like this on my tape, so I wonder is this possible? Because it will be easier without attaching cardridge.
Standard casette boot format - 600 bd, you can try natural format and special binary loader in separate settings - more options is better (I mean both loaders in options, one for natural Turbo Rom format and one for special binary loader to choose).
It will take some time. There are three feature requests that I would like to accommodate in the next version.
1. Loaders as standard cassette boot files for Turbo ROM 2. Decoding of some Lower Silesia Turbo 2000 formats 3. Decoding of K.S.O. Turbo 2000 "Longblock" format
For now, I have 50% of request #1.
TS can convert Turbo ROM binary loader to a standard cassette boot file if the "input file type" is set to "Binary file". There is a new configuration entry "Turbo ROM/Convert binary loader to a standard cassette boot file" that enables the feature you requested.
For Turbo ROM compatible binary files, it will be more difficult, as the loader resides in "RAM under ROM". It is a work in progress.
I attach a pre-release, so you can test the first 50% of request #1.
And now we have request #1 completed. There is another configuration entry "Prepend Turbo ROM loader" which works with the "Turbo ROM compatible binary file" input file type.
I just generated .wav file with "Prepend Turbo Rom Loader" and it's different than that I have on my tape. On tape there is no that long "turbo rom sine" after the 600bd loader is loaded. I will test it later, to see if it will work on Atari. Thanks for your hard work mate ;)
One more pre-release. The Turbo ROM natural format loader places the header block to address 960 instead of 1024, so program loaded can occupy addresses 1027-49152.
The loader is surely different as it has been written from scratch (with exception of the block decoding routine of course). It has to be small, so there are no "luxuries" like GRAPHICS 2 display or waiting for a key.
Baktra you would be so kind, and added the ability to generate a sine wave? With direct connection to the audio output from your computer to tape a square wave signal is littered with harmonics. I think that this option will be useful.
With a standard FSK signal error is gone, but at PWM signal (turbo) appear garbage in the signal errors when reading etc. Sound cards at square signal generate a lot of harmonics, recording the signal on the tape tightly restricts them, but the problem arises when directly connecting the output of the computer sound card to a converted tape recorder equipped with an audio input. I will be very grateful for doing this option to be turned on in the preferences.
baktra I tried that 600bd loader, and it can't load any games. I thought it was problem with tape, or something with recording from computer, but when I loaded your loader, and placed original tape which was recorded by one company, it just didn't load anything. Also when loader loads, after sine I don't get any game title etc, but only "Boot Error" and it's waiting for key press. After that game is loading, but it always can't be loaded, no matter what.
Hm ten teges Popisywanie się językiem ANG to chyba nie tutaj. Po kilku latach tu i tam wiem ze niektórzy maja kompleks- cześć większy niż mniejszy. Aczkolwiek uprasza się o używanie jęz POL
@specopsbarton - I was not able to find anything wrong (yet). Can you please try to use the attached diagnostic loader? It reads the header block and displays the header in hexadecimals preceded by check sum. If first two hexadeciamal numbers are not equal, something is wrong. If nothing is displayed, we have a serious problem. Last byte of the header should be always $60.
@baktra I testing now that loader - first hexadecimal numbers are equal, and last number is 60, and game is loading correctly, but...
Loader I have on my tape is little different. It loads like yours, but is shorter. After few seconds displays game name (black screen and orange letters at center of screen) while still loading and disappears when turbo rom loader appear, also don't waits for key to be pressed, and there is no that "turbo rom sine".
Is there any chance to make something similar?
EDIT: Some games that I try to load by my cardridge's loader don't work propely, or can't load at all.
Thank you very much for the testing. It is good to know that the loader is working.
Regarding your loader. Generally, I cannot create any turbo loader out of thin air, because most turbo loaders rely on the timing of the instructions. I always have to "steal" and disassemble the block decoding subroutine of the loader.
If you would like me to incorporate a loader like you have to TS, I'd be happy to try for the reason below, but I will need to have that loader (a CAS or XEX file would be nice).
The loader is highly unusual, because it keeps displaying text during the loading process. This also implies that the block decoding subroutine of the loader will differ from the routine in my loader.
Well, the problem is my recorder. I tried earlier to take a program from tape to my pc, but I failed. So I don't know, if it is possible for me to take it from tape now.
Besides, I tried to load few games by casette adaptor in my cardridge loader, like I said earlier but most of games throw error at end of loading, or when they loaded there is bugs, glitches ingame . This is a serious problem.
1. The latest version of TS can generate harmonic pulses instead of rectangular ones - try this option that @digisoft requested few posts above.
2. The duration of pulses generated by TS can be incorrect. Latest TS 8.4.0 has a panel that allows to fine tune the pulses. Try small adjustments (+- 1 or 2 units) for wide and narrow pulses.
3. I don't know how you use the cassette adapter, but try to generate a WAVE file and then play it back using some media player instead of using TS's "Generate audio directly" function.
I know that I ask a lot... please be aware that I don't have real Atari computer or any other hardware thus I am a bit shorthanded.
Final questions: 1. What model is your Atari and are you using upgrades like Q-MEG or extended memory? 2. Can you attach one game that has glitches after being loaded?
@specopsbarton jeżeli masz walkmana lub inny magnetofon z wyjściem słuchawkowym podłączasz go do wejścia liniowego w pc (jack-jack). W audacity ustawiasz tak jak napisał Krótki (wyłączasz dither) wybierasz wejście liniowe w audacity naciskasz rec a w magnetofonie play i ustawiasz głośność (ja na pc miałem głośno, a regulowałem w walkmanie) tak, aby wykres mieścił się od -1 do 1 (tak aby nie było przesteru jak poprzednio). Cofnij taśmę i nagraj cały sygnał, potem usuń zbędny kanał i eksportuj do wave-a. Sorki za abc :)
Nigdy tego nie próbowałem i może to nie działać, ale można by spróbować nagrać sygnał z wyjścia TV. Tzn. włączyć silnik w magnetofonie Atari (POKE 54018,52) i postępować jak powyżej, tylko podłączając przewód do wyjścia jack w TV.
Oczywiście głośność początkowa w magnetofonie czy telewizorze powinna być minimalna!
Błąd na końcu - ja miałem podobny problem, bo VLC player ucinał końcówki (audacity nie) - generowałem pliki z a8tool, który tworzy pliki wav trwające dokładnie tyle ile sygnał, ale chyba w TS jest dodawana cisza na końcu, więc jeżeli nie to, to może głośność jest lekko za słaba?
I was playing a little bit with the pulses while trying to determine minimal and maximal durations tolerated by the Turbo ROM loader for given type of pulse.
I think there can be problem with the pulses. The narrow pulse (for binary 0) was set to the lowest tolerated duration. Please try to change the Turbo ROM pulses/pulses.list record as follows:
#Polish Turbo ROM >turgen.plugin.plturbo.PlTurboROMPlugin T4000,4000,14,14, 8, 8,48
or use the Fine Tuning of Pulses panel to change duration of the narrow pulse +1 or +2 units.
@baktra "Final questions: 1. What model is your Atari and are you using upgrades like Q-MEG or extended memory? 2. Can you attach one game that has glitches after being loaded?
Thank you."
1. Atari 65 XE, pure, never upgraded it, from what I remember. 2. For example "LEGGIT!", from archive you atached few posts above now loading correct.
I tuned pulses wide-1 and narrow-1, and games I tried are loading now correct.
About loaders - make please two simple loaders, if it is possible for you - 1 - Will load turbo rom games without asking for key press; 2 - Will load games similar to program in cardridge.
Both will display simple text, which game is being loaded.
Oh, and something that will make appear game title in center of screen would be nice!
It is good to hear that you can load your games. You said that you adjusted the pulses by one unit. Does "narrow-1" and "wide-1" mean that you moved the sliders below zero? That would be really strange, but it is also possible that there can be multiple versions of Turbo ROM each using slightly different pulses.
Loaders in latest version of TS (except the diagnostic one) do not wait for any key presses, so your request appears to be fulfilled.
Displaying a centered name of the game being loaded is, unfortunately, really not possible for me without having the block decoding subroutine.
Next version of Turgen System will come with two new extra sets of pulses for Turbo ROM, so there will be no need for manual adjustment.
@I thought about adding something similar to autosetheader, a line or whatever, so people will can adjust the title.
That is possible. It will of course require certain changes in the loader, because my loader stays in GR.0 and the file name is 20 characters long, but it is doable.
I do have mail - for antispam reasons, see attached image.
It appears that Turbo ROM loaders require certain polarity of the pulses and anything between the sound card and Atari inverted the poloarity. It could be a tape recorder or a cassette adapter.
That's why the setting is there. If one polarity does not work, just try the other one.
I plan to add such feature (not high priority though).
But you can download the loaders_1.5 package from Sourceforge. There are Turbo ROM loaders in form of monolithic binary files. It is easy to create WAVs from them using the "Standard Plugin" and choosing the input file type "Monolithic binary".
Czy ktoś mógłby mi powiedzieć, albo doradzić jakiś sposób - jak przegrać grę na kasetę przez adapter kasetowy bez magnetofonu? Jedyny skuteczny sposób jaki znam na razie to... Biorę grę, konwertuję do turbo rom w turgenie, podłączam adapter kasetowy i kopiuję grę przez program, który mam na kardridżu. Niestety nie wszystkie gry mogę skopiować, bo program sobie nie radzi. Może są jakieś inne darmowe legalne kopiery do turbo rom plus co kiedyś wyszły?
Can you attach a binary file (.xex) that couldn't be copied?
I believe that the copier in the cartridge cannot copy files longer than approximately 52 KB. The copier resides under ROM, thus the longest contiguous free RAM area is approximately between addresses 512-53247. It is unfortunate that Atari designers did not place the I/O area to the end of the address space.
And I hope I don't have to remind that binary files converted using the "Binary File" input file type use a custom format for which there cannot be any copier.