it is finalized now and the manufacturing company send us the finished products now and we can release them on first shippng date, which is August, 5th 2014:
Music-Tapes, composed by well-known componist POISON...
The Tapes are pro-manufactured in a company. So they look like as tapes you maybe bought back in the 80ies in the shops. The Music on these two tapes are composed on a regular Atari XE-System.
You can listen to the music on the tapes on every regular Tape-Machine.
Additional you will find a link on the tapes where you can listen the songs also online or Download the, as MP3-File to your computer.
The Tapes ar pro-manufactured and containing prof. Inlays printed on gloosy paper.
Each Tape is limited to 50 units and each Tape is available for Euro 10,00 plus shipping (Germany 4,00 / World 6,50)
Please take care of your shipping adress and which title you want to order. Please send payments by PayPal to
Thanks for your support...
Tape #1:
POISON - Epic Fall
Disaster Of Earth (1.24min) Epic Fall (3.06min) Mekanik March (3.06min) My Throne (2.40min) The Pursuit Of Vikings (1.09min) Blade Runner (3.28min) TNT (3.39min) OnEscape (4.11min) Prototype (2.53min) Countdown (1.56min) 12th Warrior (2.29min) Lotus - The Ultimate Challenge (2.30min) Gotham City (2.20min) Warhawk (3.00min) Golden Axe (3.40min)
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Tape #2:
POISON - Cyber City
Switch OFF The City (1.37min) Cyber City Online (2.41min) You Are The Machine (2.53min) Morning Coffee (3.02min) Analog Apocalypse (2.15min) Binary Obsession (1.29min) Cyber King Is Back (2.25min) Deleted Souls Rising (2.52min) TerraBits Of Dune (2.46min) The Last Way Of hadron - Welcome To The LHC (1.50min) Data EcoRecyclation (2.28min) Fall Of Liferecovery (2.51min) Second Reality (2.42min)
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If there are any questions don't hesitate to get in touch with the same email adress listed above for the Payment.