Hi, I have litlle question:) I have 288 bmp And I need to convert them to mic or pic which are compatible with g2f utility. (batch conersion). Can someone help me, please? thx
i Have 288 bmps resized to 160*240 and decolorized to 4colours and I need to convert them to PIC or MIC for g2f utility, for batch conversion which is aviable in export as, file, save or open map (already done) and than there is a load screen and here i can choose onli pic or mic or gf2 graphics format for batch conversion to g2f. And I dont know how to convert my bmps to mic or pic:( I found converter to *.PICT, but it is not compatible (its mac gfx format) and rename pict to pic doesnt work to.
That's why I offered you my hand :). I can get i.e. 50 BMPs and convert them manually to MIC.
However, if you are looking for automatic conversion for large amount of BMP files I can't point you out the program. Ask Tebe, Irwin or Mono - I have impression that this problem was solved out by one of them.
Co jest chwilą dla Tebe to niekoniecznie musi być chwilą dla innych, np dla takiego herbatnika jak ja to by pewnie potrwało wieki ;) W sumie G2F od ostatnich wersji pozwala cytatowywouje: "dodana możliwość załadowania dużej ilości plików *.G2F, *.MIC lub *.PIC (Load screens)"
Można się pokusić o dodanie i bmp do tej listy (oczywiście 4 kolorowych) i byłoby po zawodach ;)
anyway is possible to convert directly *.bmp to *.g2f with optymizing without conversions bmp to mic or pic (in batch conversion)? this is what I need. On the atariage forum gived me an advice to convert bmp to mic or pic for batch conversion in g2f.
@poison do it that way: 01 convert all yours bmp to 4 colors but palette must be 8bit(256 color) Don't use 24bit or 4bit bmp. 02 make test.bat file and copy line "FOR %%z IN (*.bmp) DO bmp2mic %%z" 03 copy all bmps to bmp2mic and test.bat file directory 04 run test.bat 05 run g2f and choose "export as" 06 file: new and choose empty directory for example maps2 07 in width =1 height=288 (or more depends how many mic files you have) 08 right mouse button on first frame 09 choose "load screens" 10 find yours mic files directory and on left bottom window right button and "add all" - IMPORTANT THING! - You must have on your hdd in directory: Users/Poision(name your windows login)/Documents/Graph2Font/Maps - if don't, create this "Maps" directory 11 now click on "Load files on list". Graph2Font load every mic file to next frames and CREATE in Users/Poision(name your windows login)/Documents/Graph2Font/Maps g2f files!
So it's works! and no need to bmp2g2f. Thanks Tebe! (about half year ago i request this feature too ;)
And last thing: bmp2mic for now creates only 320x192 res. Maybe Tebe create new version with 240 output. For now use 320x192.
możliwość konwersji plików BMP i PNG, zapisuje ekran o szerokości 32,40,48 bajtów, wysoki na 240 linii
dodatkowo parametr '-r' jeśli konwertowany obrazek jest już poddany operacji resize, czyli dla parametru '-r' obrazek jest konwertowany co jeden piksel, a jeśli brak tego parametru (domyślnie) jest konwertowany co drugi piksel
great great great!! thanx! But I dont know what I do bad, because all pictures converted to mic has head down and legs up (rotated 180). Iam using -r (my pictures are resized to 160*240).
Thanks to all very much!! I converted all my pictures sucessfully!! thanks for help again:) so,now you can perpare for new great demo for 1mb only which is coded by fandal, music, design, idea and many others by me and gfx by PG may be (he didnt answer me:( )