Atari Online now doesn't do translation on Forums - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    I usual and when entering here have to click on your translation and in my case I prefer to English instead of Portuguese that is my native language.
    Better, as we all know he's we always translate things to English than our language because Google is suported, as someone said to me, to do it to English.

    The problem is that now here it indeed translate to English your front page but then if I click in any of the Forums threads they will open in Polish and never again translated.
    In the past I could paste the web adress of the thread into the well translated adress but now I can't even get it.

    Some days ago it started with the translated pages don't showing any pictures and YouTube videos images leaving a white blank gap and now not even this.

    Something related to this is why from the first time when I am in translated page and then I need to post something like now and Sign In it returns to Polish page? Indeed it was never possible to be signed in the forum on any language other than Polish.

    Because I'm into posting what I get in your Page I have to also ask why sometimes when we enter on AtariOnline it is in a 2004 pagethat is always the same (don't remember now wich date is)?
    We open and re-open many times and only after some time it returns to the current date.

    P.s.- Because of what I wrote, I want to ask you to answer this in English, please.
    José Pereira
    • 2: CommentAuthoras...
    • CommentTime10 Sep 2015
    You must try learn Polish :)
    Ah! Ah! Yes, you teach me Polish and you have to learn from me Portuguese.
    Is it O.K. to you?
    • 4:
    • CommentTime10 Sep 2015
    Well, most people form here are available on AtariAge, too. So simply ask your questions there.
    Miker but what that has to do with? I am member here, there at AA and in many other places.
    To post I can and easier to allmost post in English that is a general worldwide accepted language.
    But I like here and many other places so I want to also know and read your posts.
    Like me many others around the world are now having the same problem.
    • 6: CommentAuthorfalcon030
    • CommentTime10 Sep 2015
    "Because I'm into posting what I get in your Page I have to also ask why sometimes when we enter on AtariOnline it is in a 2004 pagethat is always the same (don't remember now wich date is)?
    We open and re-open many times and only after some time it returns to the current date."

    This is well known bug :-)
    It's not related with translation.

    All of us have sometimes such suprise ...
    Only to inform you that it is again not doing the translation after the main page in wathever topic/page we choose.
    • 8:
    • CommentTime24 Sep 2015 zmieniony
    @José Pereira, if you know well Polish, Russian, Chechish, Serbian and Slovenian, you can understand almost every language in the world; slavic words are even in Japaneese and Chineese!

    I realised that lately… and surprised.