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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
- SpartaDOS X v4.47 (7-02-2016)
- SIDE Loader v1.05
- BIOS v1.02
- PBI BIOS v1.62
- XL OS BB000001 rev. 3 (1.3)
- Altirra OS v2.80-test41
- Atari OS B (PAL)
- Q-Meg+OS v4.04
- Atari BASIC C
- Altirra BASIC v1.51
- Galaxian (cartridge version)
- Frogger (cartridge version)
- Missile Command (XEGS slot #1).
* Fixed: Click sound when using joystick
* Added: Proper joystick debounce and faster repeat rate
* Changed: HDD write lock now allows Global or partition table HDD lock
* Added: high-speed SIO: fixed timeout of $10 (for SIO2BT) if device responds with speed code $28 (standard)
* Fixed: Subtle bug in FAT16 EOF checking
* Changed: Sector Offset variable reduced from 4 bytes to 1 (previously cast as dword for 32-bit math macros)
* Changed: Sectors per cluster count reduced from 4 bytes to 1
* Changed: FATOffset variable jettisoned (saving a further 2 bytes of IO RAM)
* Added: hook vectors for sector transfer and complete SIO call. This mechanism is similar to that found in the IDE Plus BIOS, and enables replacement of the entire PBI SIO function or just the sector transfer routines by - for example - code loaded into 65C816 fast RAM.
* Fixed: Info menu items un-dimming when exiting screensaver
* Changed: Last selected item now persists when moving between menus
* Fixed: combat console key jitter on real hardware (since v.1.04)
* Fixed: joystick control bugs introduced in v.1.04
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