Any good game coder? - Forum Atarum

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      • 1: CommentAuthorMatej
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2016 10:04 zmieniony
      I have finished music and graphics for my upcoming game - Kiiro: Yinja Story.

      Now I need good game coder or more game coders to finish my first game.


      I can code in BASIC so no 6502 ASM...

      What I have and what tools I use:
      Music and Sound FX in RMTTracker (3channels music for mono, 6channels music for stereo, 1channel fx for mono, 2channels fx for stereo)
      Main screen picture and menu and pictures between levels and ending picture was painted in Atari Graphics Studio:
      Sprites/tiles fonts was made in MATO SIMI FONT MAKER:
      Map was made with MATO SIMI MAP MAKER:

      And also I have huge PNG map on PC and also PDF, ODT with storyline and user manual...

      Please let me know if you are interested to be game coder for my Kiiro game...

      I have allready another idea for game. This time it will be scifi game on exoplanet.
      • 2: CommentAuthornosty
      • CommentTime18 Apr 2016 20:04
      Matej, your graphics examples are really good. But you should write something more about your game. Is it arcade? adventure? platform? rpg?
      How big is it? etc.
      These questions are very important for any "good game coder" ;)
      • 3: CommentAuthorMatej
      • CommentTime19 Apr 2016 10:04 zmieniony
      Its Jump&Run with adventure elements (you must find some keys to open doors for example or you must find some things and apply them to continue). But not RPG or pure adventure. Its action game...
      And how big? There are 64 rooms (each room = 4xscreen)... 8 pictures... 16 songs... So on 64kb Ataris there will be loading system (each world will be loaded - village, forest, castle, cave, underground, lake island, temple, floating bridge of heaven)...
      • 4: CommentAuthornosty
      • CommentTime19 Apr 2016 11:04
      Sounds amazing!
      Have you got all these graphics and songs finished?
      • 5: CommentAuthorMatej
      • CommentTime25 Apr 2016 13:04
      Yes I have!