ICE font editor. - Forum Atarum

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    Is there a means of converting a JPG, GIF, or other similar picture into an Atari Graphics 10 bitmap? I want to do some experimenting with the Super PCIN mode (Gr. 10 + Gr. 12 at 39 colors) ... something like Jeff Potter's APACVIEW would do, except it needs to render in graphics 10.
    • 2:
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2011
    I usually use XnView, free graphics tool.
    I did play around with Xnview and the Gimp, they seem nice, but it looks like I will have to transcribe the picture by hand into my ICE editor for this to work.

    It's too bad no one made something like Jeff Potter's APACView ... it does Gr. 9 or Gr. 11 pictures ... but instead to render to Gr. 10

    I've got a means of doing Super IRG pictures using Graph2Font ... it's really easy to do. The limitations are you can only do narrow mode pics, and 16 lines of character.

    Take your pic into your favorite graphic editor and size it to 256x128 pixels, save it. Then load the picture into G2F.

    From G2F, select dithering, 5th colors, and you will see a listing of colors with 708-712 underneath, highlight five of these and see what gives the best picture. Choose "standard" font, and save 4 font files. Also save a .SCR file and your color palette

    Reload the picture, and choose different colors. Keep 712 the same. You will again save font files, .SCR file, and color palette

    Attached is an ATR which has an example pic, and the Turbobasic program that displays the picture. It uses a combination DLI/VBI ... the DLI changes the character set every 4 lines of display. You will have to try both SCR files to see which one looks better, sometimes you get artifacts from PF2-PF3 conflicts.

    You can eliminate these conflicts by flipping 2 screens, but that decreases your display to 12 lines (3 character sets). This would be good for doing pictures in Antic 5, this covers the whole screen. Since you can also now blend PF2 and PF3, color resolution is increased from 23 to 25 colors.

    I neglected to put TurboBASIC on this ATR, so boot with an ATR containing Turbobasic, put this disk in, and run D:SPACEACE.TUR

    Next up, I'll post how to do Super CIN and Super MIN pictures. These are actually easier to do. :)
    • 4:
    • CommentTime13 Oct 2011

    Super CIN pics are easier to do ... almost

    This is Graphics 12 plus Graphics 0.11 ... which is 16 chroma x 5 luma or 80 colors at Antic 4 resolution.

    Again you need Graph2Font, and your pic will be in narrow mode, you can now have 20 lines of character or 5 fonts.

    You will also need Jeff Potter's APACView to renger a Graphics 11 bitmap from your picture, which you can then convert to fonts using PIC2FONT.TUR, a turbobasic program I wrote.

    In G2F, load the pic, choose narrow mode, greyscale, 5th colors, and standard character set, then save your fonts. You then also save a .SCR file.

    Next, do "Show Chars" to do an ATASCII representation of the .SCR ... run ICE editor CIN version, choose Super CIN, ctrl-E to bring up the Graphics 11 mask, and load your GR 11 fonts into mask 2. On the character set, everywhere the char is inversed on the .SCR map, you will load that char into ICE and Inverse the GR.11 mask. This fixes all the inverse conflicts with PF3 characters in Antic 4.

    ATR is attached. This is the Sunsphere from my home town in Knoxville, Tennessee.
    • 6:
    • CommentTime13 Oct 2011
    I found some errors (?) in SUNSCIN.TUR. There are "H:" devices used insted of "D:", in line 1020 and 1030. The final effect of your example:


    This is the Sunsphere from my home town in Knoxville, Tennessee.

    Can you show us the origin of the picture you were based on?
    I'm attaching the source picture.

    I've noticed that Jeff Potter's APACVIEW does not like the whites and greys, due to limitations in Graphics 11 it returns black, therefore the dark specks in the middle of the picture.

    Also, I am giving an example of the same pic only using Super MIN mode (Gr. 12 plus Graphics 0.9) ... theoretically you get 80 colors in here, but when you use monochrome shading like I do here, to avoid flicker you really get closer to about 24 level shading in this mode. This is less than in HIP mode but the image appears sharper, plus you can vary the colors a little to put some color elements into your picture.

    Super MIN is easier set up than Super CIN. You only need to do a display list flip and a GTIA register flip, which leaves room for 6 character sets. You can display 24 character lines in narrow mode which will fill the entire screen. Super MIN also uses only hardware registers, the same ones as in Antic 4 (708-711 plus 712 for background). The procedure to make a Super MIN font pic is the same as for Super CIN except you resize your original picture to 128x192 pixels.

    Also, instead of using Jeff Potter's APACVIEW for the GTIA mode fonts, you can load the picture into G2F and select "4x8" which puts it into Graphics 9, and select "Greyscale", and then you can save Gr. 9 fonts. Again, you will need to re-edit these fonts using the ICE editor (this time in Super MIN and select the Graphics 0.9 mask) and Inverse the appropriate characters as shown on your screen map, to avoid inverse conflicts.

    You will also need to play with the brightness of 708-711 to ensure that you aren't flickering too much in the picture.

    I have done two versions. One is a golden orange monochrome (D:SUNSMIN.TUR), and one is in blue with some variation on 708-711 which gives it some color (D:SUNSMIN2.TUR). I am also including a version in straight greyscale monochrome (D:SUNSMING.TUR).
    • 8:
    • CommentTime15 Oct 2011
    I've noticed that Jeff Potter's APACVIEW does not like the whites and greys, due to limitations in Graphics 11 it returns black, therefore the dark specks in the middle of the picture.

    That's why I asked about source picture: to confirm this is not a problem with Knoxville panoramic view :D. Looks that XnView and Irfan are better to convert pics for GR11.
    I am still playing around with xnview and irfanview, what would be a good method of converting these pictures to Graphics 11, or Graphics 10?

    The next thing I want to try is the lower resolution modes like CIN 12 that you can use with Antic 5. They require using Antic 5 with the GTIA set so you have different palette coloring (only 14 colors and some are different in Inverse). I'm going to write a BASIC program which will convert a normal GTIA font into an antic 4/5 GTIA font and screenmap. Should be interesting.

    Too bad G2F doesn't support rendering in these modes :)
    I've done a word doc which details how to make Super IRG 2 pictures. The zip file is attached.
    A german coder named 1NG is writing a program called GraphicsTileMaster which will take png files and render optimised font files in the ICE graphics modes.

    The current test version will only save PNG's, and only works in the Super CIN mode (with no 711 PF3). Next version will render .XEX and assembly files.

    Thread is here:


    Also attaching an example super cin render:
    • 12: CommentAuthorGonzo
    • CommentTime28 Oct 2011
    this would be very nice, but i wonder what it looks like on real hardware, flickering on emulator is simply terrible... why?
    Emulators like Atari800Win dont display these modes properly, because the PC refresh rate is faster than a real Atari. Best to use Altirra with frame blending, or a real Atari. Also, the ICE modes look better on NTSC than PAL because NTSC runs at 60 cycles a second vs 50 on PAL
    • 14:
    • CommentTime26 Dec 2011


    A german coder named 1NG is writing a program called GraphicsTileMaster which will take png files and render optimised font files in the ICE graphics modes.

    The current test version will only save PNG's, and only works in the Super CIN mode (with no 711 PF3). Next version will render .XEX and assembly files.

    Great idea. Picture looks very promising.
    How the project is going on? Any progress?
    • 15:
    • CommentTime26 Dec 2011 zmieniony
    Let me suggest something:
    interlace in char modes should be banned.
    It's rather hard to work with there...
    Besides... Watch out for your eyes, at least! They're not eternal and strong all the time. :|
    I have been doing further work on the ICE character modes.

    First off, I've come up with new graphic formats, for displaying pictures in these modes. One of these, the IPC viewer, was on the recent New Year's Disc. I currently have viewers for these formats:

    .IPC - ICE PCIN (Graphics 12+10, 160x192, no color palette changes, 35 colors)
    .IP2 - ICE PCIN+ (Same as above but 45 colors, PF0-PF3 change every VBLANK)
    .IMN - ICE MIN (Graphics 12+9, 160x192, 5 chroma x 16 luma, or 20 greyscale when doing monochrome pictures)
    .ICN - ICE CIN (Graphics 12+11, 160x192, 16 chroma x 5 luma or 80 colors)
    .IRG - Super IRG (Double Graphics 12, 160x192, no color palette changes, 15 colors)
    .IR2 - Super IRG+ (As above, but with color palette changes, 25 colors)
    .DIN - Display Interlace (Graphics 0+12, 320x192, color palette changes on PF1 and PF2 to keep background color the same, 5 chroma x 2 lumas, or 10 colors. 20 colors if you use Graphics 0 artifacts)

    The viewers are in this thread along with some example pictures:


    It's time for Tebe to add these modes to Atari Interlace Studio :)

    I'm also working on new ICE editors, for the following graphics modes:

    ICE GTIA LO-RES: For using GTIA modes on top of Antic 5 to get 40x12 char. resolution.
    ICE IRG 20: Using GTIA modes on top of Graphics 1 and 2. It's essentialy a lower res version of Super IRG
    ICE DIN 20: Combining a GTIA mode with normal Graphics 1 and 2. This is a lower resolution version of DIN.
    ICE GRAPHICS 1: Using an interlaced Graphics 1 screen to get 15 colors, 2 colors per char, 8x8 pixels, 20 chars across.
    Did an experiment using the lo-res ICE CIN mode (known in the ICE editor as CIN 12).

    In 1994 Israeli programmer Itay Chamiel wrote a Tetris game called "The Wall" that used ColorView mode on top of Antic 4. This was a triple-scanline interlace (RGB) that produced 64 colors, although the flicker is not nice.

    Itay let me look at the source code, and I modified it to work in ICE CIN mode. This mode uses Antic 4 but blends with Graphics 11 to get 60 colors.

    Unlike my other usages of ICE modes, this usage of ICE CIN changes on the scanline, rather than using full-screen flicker. It's easier on the eyes. Itay's original code places the game code itself within a DLI while the majority of the code is used to drive the custom graphics mode display.

    The game font was customized using the ICE CIN editor.

    .xex is attached. :)
    • 18: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime18 Apr 2013
    love that music :)