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Kieren Hawken:
I am looking for Polish Atari programmers to interview for an article that will be appearing in Retro Gamer magazine about unlicensed Atari 8-bit games in Poland.Kieran:
To explain the background - in Retro Gamer magazine we do a regular monthly article called "Licensed To Thrill" which is about official movie licenses and how they compare to the original film. So I thought it would be interesting to do an article on unlicensed movie games called "Unlicensed To Thrill". The only format that really has a lot of these is the Atari 8-bit, as people in western Europe were very much afraid to copy things like movies in case they got sued. Obviously the A8 was very popular in Eastern Europe so there were not the same restrictions there, it was a very different market! In the article I will also speak about other unlicensed Atari 8-bit games too such as Operation Blood, Barbarian, Renegade, Bank Bang etc. as its a similar story.Od 1 do 8 z 8