Co należy zrobić, aby gracz piąty działał jak pozostałe* ? ( * - jedna komórka pozycji X, nakładanie się z innymi kolorami, wykrywało zderzenia z innymi sprite'ami)
The 4Missiles takes PF3 colour but can be used separate (like 1for head, two for the hands, another one for...) They have the same adresses as if they were part of P0->3.
But strange thing will happen: They are as 5th Player always on top of any PF. For the Priority of 5th Player against the 4Players they are like PF3 in the different Priority nºs. (0,1,2,4,8).
When you have 5th Player in PFs it's on Top but if it's on PMs it's under. Now if you have in the same pixel 1PF, a Player and 5th Player you get a contradiction (PF3 above Players, that you can see from the table above, a Double Priority). In this case PF/P/5th Player on screen you not see the Player, nor the 5th Player, you see the PF that is on that place.
Thanks, i have question to you: do you understand polish language, or use autotranslator ? :-)
I am looking for "hitobject", which one could be to use to test hits with game field and others objects, when sprite(s) on view shows "somethings other". But i don't know if it a good way.
If think from here or AtariAge that I'm not a programmer, but I know most of A8 in theorical. I'll try to help you... But I cannot understand what you want (I understand English, but my writing is also a little bad!...)
Send in your language (Polish?) and I'll try to translate myself to Portuguese (or English). Or ask for someone to write in English what you want.