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    • 1: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime7 Feb 2021 zmieniony
    Well... as I wrote before... The Game, as planned is/was a hoax. And now they rewrite it fully.
    Seems I'm the guy with the crystal ball ;)
    If they had listened to my words, the game could have been almost there , yet.
    The idea behind the 1st try was absolutely idiotic.
    Let's see the 2nd result ;)
    • 2:
    • CommentTime7 Feb 2021
    You won't get it, either... :P
    • 3:
    • CommentTime8 Feb 2021
    A ja sobie myślę, że problemem nie jest ani ilość pamięci, ani to czy piszemy w c, czy w asm.
    Taki argument, że c nie dał rady, więc trzeba napisać wszystko od zera, to dla mnie ściema.
    Koder jak zauważy, że coś mu nie styka w wyższym poziomie i trzeba robić w asm, to będzie na Atari stopniowo robił coraz więcej wstawek, aż w końcu być może całkiem się na ten asm przesiądzie, ale odbędzie się to drogą naturalną w sposób płynny. Przy czym prawdopodobnie nie przesiądzie się całkowicie na wyłącznie asm, bo niektóre rzeczy wygodnie będzie pozostawić na wyższym poziomie i szkoda na nie roboty i gmatwania sobie kodu długimi wywodami w asm.
    Nie był bym takim chojrakiem w tych osądach, gdybym nie podparł się autorytetem, więc dodam, że w innym wątku nawet Kuba Husak powiedział, że w dzisiejszych czasach jak się już coś ma napisane, to nie ma sensu całkowicie przesiadać się na asm (tam akurat chodziło o Mad Pascala, ale kontekst bardzo podobny).
    Reasumując, moje zdanie jest takie, że autorzy nie rozplanowali zasobów potrzebnych na kolejne rzeczy, a trzeba to było zrobić na początku. Wykorzystali pewnie całe zasoby na to co zrobili dotychczas, a do zrobienia jest mnóstwo jeszcze rzeczy i się obudzili z ręką w nocniku. Nie chcę być złym prorokiem, ale wydaje mi się, że w takiej sytuacji sama przesiadka na asm nie załatwi sprawy, bo potrzebna będzie optymalizacja jako praca u podstaw, a nie magiczne rozwiązanie problemów z pomocą magicznego użycia słowa assembler jako remedium na wszystko.
    Emkay: You'll eat you own words.

    Others: Please don't listen to him and even I'm not the coders the move to asm was a decision and they can explain why.

    To all: None of us on the team are English native so sometimes things maybe not be explained well.
    To make things clear: When Yaron says: "It had to be done from scratch", is that him and Popmilo had to translate all that was in C to asm.
    All the game logic, colours, sprites, scrolling, whatever is exactly the same as from when we start the development.
    The Ice level that you could already see will be exactly the same as is boy and him throawing tomahawk, the items, the credits and title screen and so on...
    Reason was that after this level presentation we decided to also have like Arcade higher than screen the levels that have it so is at this moment the work they're doing.
    Also to have things making sense Yaron decided right to have first the Forest level (they're many but one is wich you have when start to play the game) and we have others (Ice but also Island, Blocks and Boss ones) but this wasn't what we think will look good so had to remake it.
    If you understand "from scratch" that way so we can say that Forest was indeed it, perhaps the only thing really from scratch.

    If I was outside and even not English I don't understand that way.
    It's obvious that is all new. Was beeing programed in C (with some Assembly) and now is 100% Assembly.
    The C idea came at the begining from Yaron because he had a dream to code a game for A8 in C (and hope he'll still do it).

    You all sure will like and have a good surprise when see and play it.
    For a certain person I'm sure he'll comes with something to complain and/or we listen to him though I don't see where.
    If in music I'm sure Miker is up to him :grin:.
    • 5: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime8 Feb 2021
    José Pereira

    It's already explained that not the half of the "Arcade" is to reach with the available engine.
    So why should I eat my own words?
    The C64 version is already crap, compared to the Arcade version, because it misses the 8 way scrolling.
    • 6: CommentAuthorilmenit
    • CommentTime8 Feb 2021
    @Jose - do you really expect that emkay will say "I'm sorry for behaving like douchebag" when you prove he is wrong? :) Never happened (and even he will never admit about being wrong) ;)
    @Yaron Nir answer: ->link<- so I think the reason for changing is explained and we can put an end.
    So we have multi directional/diagonal than we are as Arcade version :grin:...
    • 8: CommentAuthorYaron Nir
    • CommentTime8 Feb 2021
    it doesn't matter if the game is developed in C or ASM.
    the challanges with this game are huge.
    Vlad and I are overcoming it step by step and you can see the demo we did a pretty good job (not a perfect one but a good one).
    we have decided to go with pure asm (and as Jose mentioned, when we say scratch , not all of it was from scratch, we took great deal of logic form the CC65 and translate it fast to asm).
    It increases the performance, it reduces the size, it is optimized and we like it. a lot.

    The game will see light eventually. no matter how long it will take to develop it. we all have life,family, kids etc...
    i work a lot on the game mostly night times (past midnight my time) that is the only time i hafe quiet :)

    I don't care about what EMKAY says. he can say whatever he wants.
    I wonder what he will have to say when we will published the scrolled forest level (even without the game play).
    unlike him i am not the person who will say "i told you so".
    but then again, i don't really care.

    I find it encouraging how many of the AA and the AO community is supporting our game. this gives me the fuel and energy to keep going and to produce the best game I can.
    this will definately push the A8 to its limits and beyond.

    just keep watching. update will follow.
    • 9:
    • CommentTime8 Feb 2021
    fingers crossed ;)
    keep up doing a great job!
    • 10:
    • CommentTime8 Feb 2021
    Yaron Nir: I would like to wish you good luck, and to finish the game. No matter when, but let it be some day before we will die:-) We are older day by day:-)
    I'm just kidding, good luck, and have a good time while programming.
    • 11:
    • CommentTime11 Feb 2021
    Yaron Nir - keep going, great job!