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Od kilku tygodni trwa szkolenie z programowania w języku Atari Action! prowadzone przez Tomasza TDC Cieślewicza. Z pomysłu uczestników kursu narodziła się inicjatywa wyprodukowania kartridża Action! którego nie można kupić już od dłuższego czasu.See ->link<- for more information.
See ->link<- for the original English manual.
See ->link<- for revised the German manual.
* ROM Versions
This is the original ROM version 3.6 by OSS.
The file is type 15 OSS one chip 16 KB cartridge that can be used directly in emulators
and in multi ROM emulation cartridges like The!Cart which support this type of bank switching
cartridge directly.
This is the latest build of the original ROM version 3.6 by OSS.
It is 100% identical to the original version and only used to verify the correctness of the build.
The file is type 15 OSS one chip 16 KB cartridge that can be used directly in emulators
and in multi ROM emulation cartridges like The!Cart which support this type of bank switching
cartridge directly.
This is the latest build of the ROM version 3.7P by JAC!.
The file is type 2 standard 16 KB cartridge that can be used directly in emulators,
in a standard 16k cartridge without bank switching logic, and in multi ROM emulation cartridges
like The!Cart which support this type of standard cartridge directly.
* Disk Versions
The disk images contain DOS, the Action! "SYSALL.ACT" library and all related files.
* ACTION-37-DOS25.atr
This is the latest build of the executable version 3.7X by JAC! on a single density DOS 2.5 disk.
This is the latest build of the executable version 3.7X by JAC! on a single density MyDOS 4.53/4 disk.
* ACTION-37-SDX.atr
This is the latest build of the executable version 3.7X by JAC! on a single density SpartDOS disk.
* Features and Fixes
The 3.7P 16k ROM version contains the following features and fixes.
* Allocate 16 pages of symbol table of by default.
This corresponds to SET $496=16 in the source code.
The 3.7X executable version of Action! contains these additional features and fixes compared to the 3.7P ROM version.
* Disable BASIC upon start and initialize RAMTOP to $C000.
* Full-text error messages (alpha version)
Przy okazji zauważyłem że druga wersja z archiwum aol jes wersją pierwszą z jednym bajtem wyjedynkowanym (zamiast E5 jest FF). Jest to błąd epromu zapewne, więc jako błędną skasowałbym z archiwum lub dokładniej opisał wersję Action! v3.6 (1984-01-17)(OSS)(US)[a2 034M mapping] zarówno bin jak i car.Kaz:
O właśnie, autografy Kuby to wartość dodana! Kuba, kup sobie niezmywalny flamaster do pisania po tworzywie sztucznym :)