my atari is dead - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime3 Feb 2010
    few days ago, my dad build sio2sd into atari..


    todat my atari is dead
    -i cant switch off basic
    -when i pushing OPTION with boot - black screen
    -when i switch to qmeg and reboot atari, then MLM monitor :(

    10 minutes ago, i trying save file from in turbo basic (save "d1:file.bas")

    what can be wrong?
    i disconnect sio2sd from atari, but nothing work:(
    • 2: CommentAuthorzaxon
    • CommentTime4 Feb 2010
    hmm, if qmeg working , first check switches and connections beetween eprom and atari, i think is lots of wrong connections, do you take your atari on Forever party?
    • 3: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime4 Feb 2010
    yes, i take it on atari forever..

    connections eproms/qmeg/rom it's ok.. today i testing atari again and everything is OK, but after 15-20 minutes freeze again.. maybe bad connections on sio2sd
    • 4: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime7 Feb 2010 zmieniony
    today dad check everything and clean several connections.. but not work :(

    can be a problem in low power?
    • 5: CommentAuthorExin
    • CommentTime19 Feb 2010
    Hmm, the atari series do not draw much power. Maybe some ram is broken?