Gra "Cross Snake" - Forum Atarum

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    • 1:
    • CommentTime18 Dec 2020
    Pojawiła się ciekawa gra "Cross Snake" autorstwa Fabrizio Caruso. Ciekawa przez to, że napisana z użyciem Cross-Lib, frameworku pozwalającego skompilować grę bez zmiany kodu na prawie 200 różnych komputerów i konsol.



    Cross Snake is the fourth title written by Fabrizio Caruso (Italy) using Cross-Lib; framework that can be compiled for about 200 eight-bit computers and consoles, besides calculators and other devices, without changing the code.

    The game concept is inspired by Nibbler (arcade game by Rock-Ola, 1982) and Snake (the popular arcade and cellphone game). The snake must eat all apples on each level while avoiding being killed by biting yourself; consuming all energy (if you do not eat apples for too long); or bumping into mines.

    The game has 32 normal levels, with 16 different maps; and one secret level, which also has its own map. As a hint, to unlock the secret level keeping on collecting rings.

    You start with maximum energy and a slow snake. If you do not eat apples, the snake starts moving faster. Once the snake has reached maximum speed, its energy starts decreasing.

    The mines are your enemies; they can be both fixed or moving. Moving mines bounce any time that bump into anything. If the snake’s head touches a mine, it dies instantly. However, the body of the snake can touch the mines -so you could use it as a shield against mines.

    Just like his previous projects -Cross Chase, Cross Shoot and Cross Bomber- Caruso’s new game supports tile-based graphics and non-graphics (ASCII) in over a dozen cross compilers.

    • 2: CommentAuthorastrofor
    • CommentTime18 Dec 2020
    Link do źródła: ->link<-
    • 3:
    • CommentTime18 Dec 2020 zmieniony
    Dzięki Astrofor za uzupełnienie. Jeszcze załącze pliczek XEX dla leniwych.