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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
DMA pamięci znaków 2x rzadsze więc więcej czasu zostanie dla CPU.0xF:
Nieprawda. Mimo niższej rozdzielczości ANTIC pobiera dane z fontów w każdej skanlinii. Podobnie w drugim "wysokim" trybie znakowym, czyli 7 (GR. 2 a nie GR. 7).emkay:
The RAM usage is half of the single scanline modes.emkay:
Also some CPU cycles were saved by "halving" the character line DMA reads.emkay:
Also the Displaylist is getting smaller, you could do a lot FX when changing th DL settings.emkay:
Well... it MAKES THE difference. And it is still not too hungry for available resources, if you keep the broader features in mind that were given using ANTIC for visual FX.emkay:
People still were thinking TOO much in "still images" not in the "game animation".emkay:
Good animation at 4x4 mode is easily topping a hires screen without any animation draconus zybex blinky
upper charset 55 29 63
lower charset 65 35 68
final charset 65 35 68
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