New demo - Dorgaster (music disc) - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1: CommentAuthorpoison
    • CommentTime4 Jun 2022
    Hi, me and Zdenda just finished new demo called Dorgaster. It is Music disc with my best mono CMC musics from years 2007 - 2022. Mono Atari and 64kb required :) There is special function RANDOM activated press Option key. Demo will play randomly every music for 2:30 minutes. Enjoy ;-)
    • 2:
    • CommentTime4 Jun 2022 zmieniony
    Nice, I attach the file to the demos archive, thanks Poison! :D
    • 3: CommentAuthorpoison
    • CommentTime4 Jun 2022 zmieniony
    thank you :) but it is only PAL. Iam not sure, that my new personal coder can do NTSC version. May Be later :)

    I think, that this is first CMC only music disc created in last 20 years :D
    • 4:
    • CommentTime5 Jun 2022 zmieniony
    Hi, great! ...but I missed for continuous playing from A to V :)
    • 5: CommentAuthorpoison
    • CommentTime6 Jun 2022
    There is NTSC fixed version :)
    • 6: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime6 Jun 2022
    Very, very nice. I like music discs a lot. Thank you Poison!
    • 7: CommentAuthorpoison
    • CommentTime6 Jun 2022
    thank you very much to all :) this was test of our cooperation, I hope we can make new ones together for Silly Venture ;-)
    • 8:
    • CommentTime6 Jun 2022 zmieniony


    I think, that this is first CMC only music disc created in last 20 years :D

    Depends on how we count it :). Because in 2018 I and Bocianu made a music disc "Jurgi's Music Collection" (a tribute to Jurgi), consisting of his CMC tunes only. Obviously, these pieces were written in the 90s, but the demo was made in the last 20 years.



    There is NTSC fixed version :)

    Added, thanks!
    • 9:
    • CommentTime7 Jun 2022 zmieniony
    What does it mean Dorgaster?

    (btw - it plays now in random mode. The second cool option would be "play all sequentially") And regulated playtime. Most of the tunes are getting great as they play and then... next tune. On my computer tunes change every minute.
    • 10: CommentAuthorpoison
    • CommentTime7 Jun 2022 zmieniony
    Dorgaster is my own word :) It will be Trilogy. I had a dream where i heard three words. Vortador (used in Vortador games), Dorgaster (used for demo) and Malastor :D I have not plan for last one yet :) Dream words . . . . ;-)

    I will try to ask to Zdenda if he will be too kind to add this feature, but we do not know how to detect end line of track in cmc player. Every music is gently looped by J: 00. Every track should be play for 2 minutes and 30 secs.
    • 11:
    • CommentTime7 Jun 2022 zmieniony
    Own word explains everything :) I recently dig into those strange words some people use and usualy new worlds get into my mind.

    One minute and tune changes. NTSC version from post #5.
    Earlier version, from post #1, plays new tune every 2:30.
    And about length - there is 22 tunes, so every can be measured and playtime can be set arbitrary.
    • 12: CommentAuthorpoison
    • CommentTime7 Jun 2022
    you are right, i checked lenght of random play and it is wrong, i wrote to Zdenda for repair it and ask him for add new feature :)
    • 13: CommentAuthorpoison
    • CommentTime8 Jun 2022
    so, there is final version, with NTSC and random music lenght play :) Zdenda has not time to add next music order play feature :( May be in the future ;-)
    • 14:
    • CommentTime8 Jun 2022
    Added :)