Olivier Landemarre wypuścił właśnie pełną wersję MyAES 0.98 (wraz z toolbarem Yopla)
AES (Application Environment Services) jest kluczową częścią systemu operacyjnego TOS/GEM dla dużego Atari i klonów.
MyAES jest jednym z dwóch (obok XaAES) rozwijanych zamienników dla Atari AES.
Zmiany w wersji MyAES 0.98: - Fix default windframe (possible crash) - Fix iconified window redraw and clipping issue - Fix shutdown with MyAES now no more crash - Fix possible overload with appl_search() - Fix parameters pass to TOS program - Fix text under icon on taskbar - Fix env pass to application launch - Fix appl_control to hide unhide windows (now taskbar work), Yopla have been fixed - Fix shell launch application as other AES do, now GBE receive CH_EXIT messsage - Fix lost of focus on form_alert for application without menu - Fix possible crash on popup menu - Fix edit field to work with Netsurf - Fix resolution change - appl_control(APC_INFO,..) no return if application is hide or not - Fix issue shel_write() if X11 server was running - Fix default directory for application launch by shel_write() - Fix possible selected icon redraw - More nice disable icon redraw - remove option "flying_menu_fix" - Fix language in English file selector - Fix app_conf.cnf configuration for Taskbar - Possible quit MyAES without doing shutdown - Better multitask when an application do intensive use of VDI
YOPLA : - Better Yopla popup position - Better reactivity when hide to wake up - Add Thing group support with auto.grp support like taskbar, please check readme for use
Interesująca jest droga rozwoju MyAES MyAES Roadmap up to 1.0: - MyAES have been highly modified this last years around the event kernel 0.96 to 0.98 that need after do a lot of fix, now I not plane to do significative change on it so next versions should be more easy. - Stop any development on MyAES for several month, my spare time will be to work on V4SA but as I need do a lot of test with MyAES I will probably do some change for compatibility
* MyAES 0.99 (goal end 2023): - Add new feature for developers to broke some limits of GEM (I think to resource file) and write tool to be able use it - some source code will come with to be able use it on other AES such "Interface" propose it in the past. - Continue to progress in compatibility with less friendly GEM application (work already start with 0.98 version) - Try if possible run in single mode (without preemptive multitask) - this point is for fun if not possible perhaps never come - Clean windows layer code ! (really a mess!) - Continue fix bugs - Try add Wdialog PDLG extension not yet include to MyAES
* MyAES 1.0 (Goal end 2024): - Continue work on compatibility with less friendly GEM application - Fix bugs - No new feature, no rewrite anything! - Do a good documentation and a list of application tested with option to use it
na razie nie działa pod TOS, ale OL ma to w planach:
* MyAES 0.99 (goal end 2023): ... - Try if possible run in single mode (without preemptive multitask) - this point is for fun if not possible perhaps never come
Tutaj znajdziesz minimalną wersję MiNT i MyAES dla ST, niestety wymaga 14MB RAM: ->link<-
Grzebiąc po okolicach MyAESa odkryłem "hamerykę" czyli strony, które powinienem był znać 20 lat temu i bardzo żałuję, że nie znałem - bo masa z nich już leży.
Cyprian, będę miał do Ciebie pytania przy okazji następnego spotkania online a propos paru perełek z tych oto stroniczek: