X:8 vs Tomcat - Forum Atarum

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    • 1:
    • CommentTime15 Jun 2023
    W "wątku obok" wspomniano Tomcata (TeDeCata :) )

    mi "wpadł w oko" ostatnio X:8:

    Widzę podobieństwo... a nawet myślę, że TeDeCat w wersji finalnej mógł wyglądać podobnie ;)
    • 2: CommentAuthorPecet
    • CommentTime15 Jun 2023
    Organizacja ekranu rzeczywiście podobna. Natomiast grywalnością X:8 przebija Tomcat chyba w każdym aspekcie. Zresztą dla mnie jedna z najlepszych strzelanie na A8.
    • 3: CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTime15 Jun 2023 zmieniony
    nie jest wielką tajemnicą, że pewną inspiracją dla "X:8" był nie "Tomcat", tylko inna gra autorstwa TDC: "Robo Type", pisał o tym kiedyś Jose Pereira.

    [EDIT] PS. Już zapomniałem, jaką fajną muzykę stworzył do niej Wieczór :)
    • 4:
    • CommentTime15 Jun 2023 zmieniony
    Nieporównywalnie lepszą grą jest X:8, lepszą gdyż po prostu jest bardziej grywalna, płynniejsza, dopracowana i do ukończenia, ma zakończenie, bodaj jakiś napis, ale jest. Dla mnie to i tak wygrywa Zybex. X:8 po pewnym czasie popada w schemat, mało zróżnicowane plansze, jest dobrze ale ....

    Natomiast gdyby Tomcat/a doszlifować, zrobić animacje myśliwca przy zmianie kierunku, poprawić detekcje kolizji, dorobić zakończenie to było by blisko hitu. - muzyka zachęca do gry i nietypowa jak na A8 grafika, tyle że X:8 również takową posiada.

    Jakby się TDC zgodził to mógłbym narysować grafikę do TOMCAT od nowa, ba nawet narysować animację na zakończenie - dogrywaną by wryła się w głowę, mimo niedopracowania to lubię te grę.


    Dear friends,
    it's no big secret that some inspiration for "X:8" was not "Tomcat", but another game by TDC: "Robo Type", Jose Pereira once wrote about it.

    No it wasn't. I never saw Robo Type untill you posted it now.
    This one was for Fortification 2K13 (May) that's the same year as X:8 entry on ABBUC (end of June or July deadline).
    Indeed mine was inspired by Nemesis, Gradius,... on the Game Boy (mainly the grounds gfxs), enemys ships sprites from the never released version of Armalyte for the ZX Spectrum(s) kindly offered by @Ste86 and ours ship by @Jason Kelk (r.i.p.).
    It's not indeed finished as we didn't have time and never went further on adding some enemys ships possibility to shoot, grounds cannons/towers also (and can be destroyed) but also large bosses 'uggly' creatures/large ships on the end of each of the 8 levels (maybe even adding a Large Large one to end the game).
    • 6: CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTime17 Jun 2023

    José Pereira:

    I never saw Robo Type untill you posted it now.

    There existed an active forum some time ago. And there you kind of criticised TDC's game after seeing a video of it and you wrote your ideas how to do something similar, but better.

    That's why I wrote that it was (just to some extent) an inspiration, however I understand that such statement could be seen as exaggeration by you. I know that there was more inspirations for X:8.

    This was the direct link to the topic:
    h t t p : // (forum? #5, thread #433)

    I don't recall the date of your comments there. Later, in August 2014 I found that topic and I sent this link to TDC as such fact could be interesting to him.

    Unfortunately, the forum doesn't exist now and I had no foggiest idea back then that in 2023 I would need a copy of that comment, so I didn't make a copy :) Today I've tried to find some archived remains of FormatWar topics, and I've found some of them, but no success with the specific thread I was looking for.

    There is f=5 parameter in the link above - so it must have been written in a thread in "Coding Corner" (here is a snapshot of the first page of it from June 2016 from wayback machine):

    So, if anyone who reads this has an access - by some miracle - to a copy of mentioned thread 433: it would be great to see the full text of José's comments.

    • 7:
    • CommentTime17 Jun 2023
    oh boy it is some sick detective work :))))
    • 8: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime18 Jun 2023
    Format War was a funny forum.
    One part of it's existence was to shut me up about the A8's possibilites on the Atari Age forums.
    Sadly TMR has passed away far too early.
    But today a lot of my proposals have been approved.
    3D Action on the Atari is very well possible.
    (Final Assault is a real game, and the Doom Demo ...)

    The double pixel modes would allow all types of games...

    Prince of Persia has become real, just by the fact NOT to chase the C64 features. Using the BBC Version and to add Atari colors, incl. my SFX, makes the game look and sound like a 16 Bit version.


    There existed an active forum some time ago. And there you kind of criticised TDC's game after seeing a video of it and you wrote your ideas how to do something similar, but better.

    Maybe and you can be right. Was many years ago and now I didn't remember of ever seeing that game.
    Not really remembering commented the game but now I'm seeing the video the technic is totally different than X:8.
    On X:8 we have:
    -> On top and bottom Antic4 charmode (having the A8 possibility to 'mirroring' exactly the same top roof and bottom ground gfxs inverted so is the same single charset per each level);
    -> At the middle is in bitmap mode so there's plenty of soft sprites (maximum of 16 if I remember correctly) and they're 'cleverly' masking eachother (some gaps/chars when overlap);
    -> PMGs are used in:
    - our ship: 2Players multicolour (3colours);
    - our ship shots: 1 player (1colour);
    - bonus: 1player overlaping an hi-res char;
    - ground cannons shots / towers rays; the Missiles in 5th
    Player mode (4 of them at different parts can then be on-screen each time) taking the PF3 colour (1colour);
    Robo Type is middle all ships PMGs and not many on-screen as A8 haven't all that many to use...